automatisch generiert aus BibSonomy.
Publikationen in DBLP
2008Discovering Shared Conceptualizations in Folksonomies. Web Semantics, (6)1:38-53, 2008. [BibSonomy: 2008 folksonomy myown] The Anti-Social Tagger - Detecting Spam in Social Bookmarking Systems. Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web, 2008. [BibSonomy: 2008 bookmarking folksonomy mining myown social spam] PDF Discovering Shared Conceptualizations in Folksonomies. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, (6)1:38--53, February 2008. [BibSonomy: 2008 folksonomy myown] PDF 2007Self-Organized Collaborative Knowledge Management. 217, Kassel University Press, September 2007. [BibSonomy: 2007 analysis dissertation folksonomy knowledgemanagement myown network p2p peer2peer peertopeer selforganization sna] PDF Network Properties of Folksonomies. Proc. WWW2007 Workshop ``Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization'', Banff, May 8, 2007. [BibSonomy: 2007 folksonomy myown network sna workshop] Organizing Publications and Bookmarks in BibSonomy. In Harith Alani, Natasha Noy, Gerd Stumme, Peter Mika, York Sure, and Denny Vrandecic (Eds.), Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge (CKC 2007) at WWW 2007, Banff, Canada, 2007. [BibSonomy: 2007 bibsonomy folksonomy myown] PDF Network Properties of Folksonomies. In Susanne Hoche, Andreas Nürnberger, and Jürgen Flach (Eds.), AI Communications Journal, Special Issue on "Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering", IOS Press, 2007. [BibSonomy: 2007 collective dynamics folksonomy myown] Analysis of the Publication Sharing Behaviour in BibSonomy. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Sheffield, England, July 2007. [BibSonomy: 2007 bibsonomy folksonomy myown] 2006Mining Association Rules in Folksonomies. Proc. IFCS 2006 Conference, Ljubljana, July 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 folksonomy myown semantic analysis network] Information Retrieval in Folksonomies: Search and Ranking. Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, Budva, Montenegro, June 2006. [BibSonomy: informationretrieval 2006 folksonomy pagerank folkrank myown alphabetic ranking] BibSonomy: A Social Bookmark and Publication Sharing System. Proceedings of the Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop at the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 social folksonomy bibsonomy iccs myown bookmarking] BibSonomy: A Social Bookmark and Publication Sharing System. In Aldo de Moor, Simon Polovina, and Harry Delugach (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop at the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Aalborg University Press, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 social folksonomy myown iccs bibsonomy bookmarking] Trend Detection in Folksonomies. Prof. First International Conference on Semantics And Digital Media Technology (SAMT) (to appear), Athens, Greece, December 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 folksonomy myown detection trend] Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases using Graph Clustering. Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, Budva, Montenegro, June 2006. [BibSonomy: clustering 2006 graphtheory ontology myown content aggregation] How to model Semantic Peer-to-Peer Overlays?. Proc. P2PIR Workshop, Informatik 2006, Dresden, October 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 myown p2p] Kollaboratives Wissensmanagement. In Tassilo Pellegrini, and Andreas Blumauer (Eds.), Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft, 273-290, Springer, 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 folksonomy collaborative lang:de myown knowledgemanagement] PDF TRIAS - An Algorithm for Mining Iceberg Tri-Lattices. Proc. 6th ICDM conference, Hong Kong, December 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 triadic trias folksonomy myown tagging algorithm fca] Semantic Network Analysis of Ontologies. Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, Budva, Montenegro, June 2006. [BibSonomy: semanticweb 2006 ontology myown sna] FolkRank: A Ranking Algorithm for Folksonomies. Proc. FGIR 2006, to appear, 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 folksonomy folkrank myown] PDF Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis. In Harith Alani, Bettina Hoser, Christoph Schmitz, and Gerd Stumme (Eds.), 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 myown sna workshop] PDF Wege zur Entdeckung von Communities in Folksonomies. In Stefan Braß, and Alexander Hinneburg (Eds.), Proc. 18. Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, 80-84, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, June 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 community folksonomy myown] Emergent Semantics in BibSonomy. Proc. Workshop on Applications of Semantic Technologies, Informatik 2006, Dresden, October 2006. [BibSonomy: 2006 folksonomy bibsonomy myown emergence semantics] 2005Towards Self-Organizing Communities in Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management. Proc. ESWC 2005 Workshop on Ontologies in Peer-to-Peer Communities, Heraklion, Greece, May 2005. [BibSonomy: 2005 community myown p2p] PDF Ontologies in Peer-to-Peer Communities. In Peter Haase, Christoph Schmitz, and York Sure (Eds.), Heraklion, Greece, May 2005. [BibSonomy: 2005 alphabetic community myown ontology p2p] PDF Towards Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases through Graph Clustering. In Stefan Braß, and Christian Goldberg (Eds.), Proc. 17. GI-Workshop ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken'', Wörlitz, May 2005. [BibSonomy: clustering base myown graph knowledge 2005] PDF ISWC 2005 Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis. In Gerd Stumme, Bettina Hoser, Christoph Schmitz, and Harith Alani (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (171)Galway, Ireland, November 2005. [BibSonomy: myown semantic analysis 2005 network] PDF 2004Socialisation in Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management. Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-Know 2004), Graz, Austria, June 2004. [BibSonomy: myown 2004 knowledgemanagement p2p] PDF Ontologie-basiertes Web Mining. Workshop ``Semantische Technologien für Informationsportale'' (GI-Jahrestagung 2004), September 2004. [BibSonomy: web crawling myown 2004 alphabetic focusedcrawler] PDF Super-Peer-Based Routing Strategies for RDF-Based Peer-to-Peer Networks. Journal of Web Semantics, (Special issue WWW 2003)February 2004. [BibSonomy: clustering myown 2004 routing p2p] PDF Self-Organization of a Small World by Topic. Proc. 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management, Boston, MA, August 2004. [BibSonomy: myown 2004 selforganization p2p] PDF Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An ELearning Application. Proc. 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004), New York, May 2004. [BibSonomy: elearning edutella myown 2004 watchdog p2p] PDF 2003The Karlsruhe view on ontologies. 2003. [BibSonomy: 2003 myown ontology] Towards Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer-based Distributed Information Management Systems. Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management (AMKM-03), Stanford, March 2003. [BibSonomy: evaluation myown knowledgemanagement alphabetic p2p 2003] PDF Super-Peer-Based Routing and Clustering Strategies for RDF-Based Peer-To-Peer Networks. Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference, Budapest, May 2003. [BibSonomy: clustering myown routing p2p 2003] PDF The Courseware Watchdog: an ontology-based tool for finding and organizing learning material. Fachtagung ``Mobiles Lernen und Forschen'', Kassel, November 2003. [BibSonomy: elearning edutella myown watchdog p2p 2003] PDF 2002KAON - Towards a large scale Semantic Web. In Kurt Bauknecht, A. Min Tjoa, and Gerald Quirchmayr (Eds.), Proc. E-Commerce and Web Technologies, Third International Conference, EC-Web 2002, 2455Springer, Aix-en-Provence %, France, September 2002. [BibSonomy: myown kaon knowledgemanagement 2002 alphabetic] Accessing Distributed Learning Repositories through a Courseware Watchdog. Proc. E-Learn 2002: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Montreal, October 2002. [BibSonomy: elearning edutella myown watchdog 2002 alphabetic p2p] PDF 2001Untersuchung der Graphstruktur von Web-Communities am Beispiel der Informatik. October 2001. [BibSonomy: 2001 myown graph mining structure] PDF |