The list is generated automatically by BibSonomy. For more details and BibTeX entries, please click on the titles.


  • 1.
    Draude, C., Engert, S., Hess, T., Hirth, J., Horn, V., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Stumme, G., Uhlmann, M., Zwingmann, N.: Verrechnung – Design – Kultivierung: Instrumentenkasten für die Gestaltung fairer Geschäftsmodelle durch Ko-Valuation,, (2024).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hille, T.: What is the intrinsic dimension of your binary data? -- and how to compute it quickly. In: CONCEPTS. pp. 97–112. Springer (2024).
  • 1.
    D{ü}rrschnabel, D., Priss, U.: Realizability of Rectangular Euler Diagrams. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferr{é}, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 149–165. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Priss, U.: Realizability of Rectangular Euler Diagrams, (2024).
  • 1.
    Budde, K.B., Rellstab, C., Heuertz, M., Gugerli, F., Hanika, T., Verdú, M., Pausas, J.G., González-Martínez, S.C.: Divergent selection in a Mediterranean pine on local spatial scales. Journal of Ecology. 112, (2024).
  • 1.
    Ganter, B., Hanika, T., Hirth, J., Obiedkov, S.: Collaborative Hybrid Human {AI} Learning through Conceptual Exploration. In: Ericson, P., Khairova, N., and Vos, M.D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshops at the Third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence co-located with (HHAI) 2024), Malmö, Sweden, June 10-11, 2024. pp. 1–8. (2024).
  • 1.
    Horn, V., Hirth, J., Holfeld, J., Behmenburg, J.H., Draude, C., Stumme, G.: Disclosing Diverse Perspectives of News Articles for Navigating between Online Journalism Content. In: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery, Uppsala, Sweden (2024).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Hanika, T.: The Geometric Structure of Topic Models, (2024).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J.: Conceptual Data Scaling in Machine Learning, (2024).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Jäschke, R.: A Repository for Formal Contexts. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Structures (2024).
  • 1.
    Priss, U., D{ü}rrschnabel, D.: Rectangular Euler Diagrams and Order Theory. In: Lemanski, J., Johansen, M.W., Manalo, E., Viana, P., Bhattacharjee, R., and Burns, R. (eds.) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. pp. 165–181. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Hille, T., Stubbemann, M., Hanika, T.: Reproducibility and Geometric Intrinsic Dimensionality: An Investigation on Graph Neural Network Research, (2024).
  • 1.
    Abdulla, M., Hirth, J., Stumme, G.: The Birkhoff Completion of Finite Lattices. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferré, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 20–35. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Draude, C., Dürrschnabel, D., Hirth, J., Horn, V., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Stumme, G., Uhlmann, M.: Conceptual Mapping of Controversies. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferré, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 201–216. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Horn, V., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Ordinal motifs in lattices. Information Sciences. 659, 120009 (2024).
  • 1.
    Draude, C., D{ü}rrschnabel, D., Hirth, J., Horn, V., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Stumme, G., Uhlmann, M.: Conceptual Mapping of Controversies. In: Cabrera, I.P., Ferr{é}, S., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Conceptual Knowledge Structures. pp. 201–216. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).


  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T.: Towards Ordinal Data Science. Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge. 1, 6:1–6:39 (2023).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D.: Explaining and Visualizing Structural Knowledge in Bipartite Graphs,, (2023).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Stumme, G.: Greedy Discovery of Ordinal Factors,, (2023).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Stumme, G.: Maximal Ordinal Two-Factorizations. In: Ojeda-Aciego, M., Sauerwald, K., and Jäschke, R. (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. pp. 41–55. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2023).
  • 1.
    Ganter, B., Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: Scaling Dimension. In: Dürrschnabel, D. and López-Rodríguez, D. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis - 17th International Conference, ICFCA 2023, Kassel, Germany, July 17-21, 2023, Proceedings. pp. 64–77. Springer (2023).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: Conceptual Views on Tree Ensemble Classifiers. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 108930 (2023).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Horn, V., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Automatic Textual Explanations of Concept Lattices. In: Ojeda{-}Aciego, M., Sauerwald, K., and Jäschke, R. (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning - 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, {ICCS} 2023, Berlin, Germany, September 11-13, 2023, Proceedings. pp. 138–152 (2023).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M.: Intrinsic Dimension for Large-Scale Geometric Learning. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. (2023).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Hille, T., Hanika, T.: Selecting Features by their Resilience to the Curse of Dimensionality. (2023).
  • 1.
    Koyda, M., Stumme, G.: Factorizing Lattices by Interval Relations. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 157, 70–87 (2023).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Stumme, G.: The Mont Blanc of Twitter: Identifying Hierarchies of Outstanding Peaks in Social Networks. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track - European Conference, {ECML} {PKDD} 2023, Turin, Italy, September 18-22, 2023, Proceedings, Part {III}. pp. 177–192. Springer (2023).\_11.
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Drawing Order Diagrams Through Two-Dimension Extension. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. 27, 783–802 (2023).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Horn, V., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Ordinal Motifs in Lattices,, (2023).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Koyda, M.: Interval-dismantling for lattices. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 159, 108931 (2023).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Stumme, G.: Interactive collaborative exploration using incomplete contexts. Data & Knowledge Engineering. 143, 102104 (2023).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Hirth, J., Hanika, T.: Research Topic Flows in Co-Authorship Networks. Scientometrics. 128, 5051–5078 (2023).


  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stubbemann, M.: FCA2VEC: Embedding Techniques for Formal Concept Analysis. In: Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., and Abdessalem, T. (eds.) Complex Data Analytics with Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 47–74. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2022).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M.: Intrinsic Dimension for Large-Scale Geometric Learning,, (2022).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: On the lattice of conceptual measurements. Information Sciences. 613, 453–468 (2022).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Discovering Locally Maximal Bipartite Subgraphs,, (2022).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M., Stumme, G.: {Intrinsic dimension of geometric data sets}. Tohoku Mathematical Journal. 74, 23–52 (2022).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Stumme, G.: Attribute Exploration with Multiple Contradicting Partial Experts. In: Braun, T., Cristea, D., and J{ä}schke, R. (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. pp. 51–65. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2022).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Koyda, M.: Interval-Dismantling for Lattices,, (2022).
  • 1.
    D{{ü}}rrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stubbemann, M.: {FCA2VEC:} Embedding Techniques for Formal Concept Analysis. In: Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., and Abdessalem, T. (eds.) Complex Data Analytics with Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 47–74. Springer International Publishing (2022).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Stumme, G.: LG4AV: Combining Language Models and Graph Neural Networks for Author Verification. In: Bouadi, T., Fromont, E., and H{ü}llermeier, E. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XX. pp. 315–326. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2022).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Mapping Research Trajectories,, (2022).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: Knowledge cores in large formal contexts. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 90, 537–567 (2022).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Hirth, J., Hanika, T.: Research Topic Flows in Co-Authorship Networks,, (2022).
  • 1.
    Hirth, J., Hanika, T.: Formal Conceptual Views in Neural Networks,, (2022).


  • 1.
    Felde, M., Stumme, G.: Triadic Exploration and Exploration with Multiple Experts. In: Braud, A., Buzmakov, A., Hanika, T., and Le Ber, F. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 175–191. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
  • 1.
    D{ü}rrschnabel, D., Stumme, G.: Force-Directed Layout of Order Diagrams Using Dimensional Reduction. In: Braud, A., Buzmakov, A., Hanika, T., and Le Ber, F. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 224–240. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: Exploring Scale-Measures of Data Sets. In: Braud, A., Buzmakov, A., Hanika, T., and Ber, F.L. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis - 16th International Conference, {ICFCA} 2021, Strasbourg, France, June 29 - July 2, 2021, Proceedings. pp. 261–269. Springer (2021).
  • 1.
    Schaefermeier, B., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Topological Indoor Mapping through WiFi Signals. (2021).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Stumme, G.: The Mont Blanc of Twitter: Identifying Hierarchies of Outstanding Peaks in Social Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.13774. (2021).
  • 1.
    Schaefermeier, B., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Topic space trajectories. Scientometrics. 126, 5759–5795 (2021).
  • 1.
    Koopmann, T., Stubbemann, M., Kapa, M., Paris, M., Buenstorf, G., Hanika, T., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: Proximity Dimensions and the Emergence of Collaboration: A HypTrails Study on German AI Research. Scientometrics. 126, 9847–9868 (2021).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, L., Dürrschnabel, D., Refflinghaus, R.: Neural Networks for Semantic Gaze Analysis in XR Settings. In: Bulling, A., Huckauf, A., Gellersen, H., Weiskopf, D., Bace, M., Hirzle, T., Alt, F., Pfeiffer, T., Bednarik, R., Krejtz, K., Blascheck, T., Burch, M., Kiefer, P., Dodd, M.D., and Sharif, B. (eds.) ETRA ’21 Full Papers: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. {ACM} (2021).
  • 1.
    Draude, C., Gruhl, C., Hornung, G., Kropf, J., Lamla, J., Leimeister, J.M., Sick, B., Stumme, G.: Social Machines. Informatik Spektrum. (2021).
  • 1.
    Koyda, M., Stumme, G.: Boolean Substructures in Formal Concept Analysis. In: ICFCA: International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 38–53. Springer (2021).
  • 1.
    D{ü}rrschnabel, D., Koyda, M., Stumme, G.: Attribute Selection Using Contranominal Scales. In: Braun, T., Gehrke, M., Hanika, T., and Hernandez, N. (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. pp. 127–141. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Towards Explainable Scientific Venue Recommendations,, (2021).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: Quantifying the Conceptual Error in Dimensionality Reduction. In: Braun, T., Gehrke, M., Hanika, T., and Hernandez, N. (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning - 26th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2021, Virtual Event, September 20-22, 2021, Proceedings. pp. 105–118. Springer (2021).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Stumme, G.: Force-Directed Layout of Order Diagrams Using Dimensional Reduction. In: Braud, A., Buzmakov, A., Hanika, T., and Le Ber, F. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 224–240. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Stumme, G.: LG4AV: Combining Language Models and Graph Neural Networks for Author Verification. (2021).
  • 1.
    Braud, A., Buzmakov, A., Hanika, T., Ber, F.L. eds.: Formal Concept Analysis - 16th International Conference, {ICFCA} 2021, Strasbourg, France, June 29 - July 2, 2021, Proceedings. Springer (2021).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stubbemann, M.: FCA2VEC: Embedding Techniques for Formal Concept Analysis. Presented at the (2021).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Koyda, M., Stumme, G.: Attribute Selection Using Contranominal Scales. In: Braun, T., Gehrke, M., Hanika, T., and Hernandez, N. (eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. pp. 127–141. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2021).
  • 1.
    Braun, T., Gehrke, M., Hanika, T., Hernandez, N. eds.: Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning - 26th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, {ICCS} 2021, Virtual Event, September 20-22, 2021, Proceedings. Springer (2021).


  • 1.
    Felde, M., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Null Models for Formal Contexts. Information. 11, 135 (2020).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M., Stumme, G.: Intrinsic Dimension of Geometric Data Sets. Accepted for publication in: Tohoku Mathematical Journal. (2020).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: On Ordinal Data Science and its role in Socially Acceptable ICTDesign. In: Hentschel, A., Hornung, G., and Jandt, S. (eds.) Mensch – Technik – Umwelt: Verantwortung für eine sozialverträgliche Zukunft, Festschrift für Alexander Roßnagel zum 70. Geburtstag. pp. 181–198. Nomos, Baden-Baden (2020).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Orometric Methods in Bounded Metric Data. In: Berthold, M.R., Feelders, A., and Krempl, G. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis {XVIII} - 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, {IDA} 2020, Konstanz, Germany, April 27-29, 2020, Proceedings. pp. 496–508. Springer (2020).
  • 1.
    Borchmann, D., Hanika, T., Obiedkov, S.: Probably approximately correct learning of Horn envelopes from queries. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 273, 30–42 (2020).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Stumme, G., Hanika, T.: Topic Space Trajectories: A case study on machine learning literature,, (2020).


  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stubbemann, M.: FCA2VEC: Embedding Techniques for Formal Concept Analysis,, (2019).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Hanika, T.: Formal Context Generation Using Dirichlet Distributions. In: Endres, D., Alam, M., and Sotropa, D. (eds.) ICCS. pp. 57–71. Springer (2019).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Drawing Order Diagrams Through Two-Dimension Extension,, (2019).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Hirth, J.: Conexp-Clj - A Research Tool for FCA. In: Cristea, D., Ber, F.L., Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., and Sertkaya, B. (eds.) ICFCA (Supplements). pp. 70–75. (2019).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Kibanov, M., Kropf, J., Laser, S.: Ich denke, es ist wichtig zu verstehen, warum die Netzwerkanalyse jetzt popul{ä}r und besonders interessant f{ü}r die Forschung geworden ist. In: Kropf, J. and Laser, S. (eds.) Digitale Bewertungspraktiken. pp. 165–188. Springer (2019).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T.: Discovering Knowledge in Bipartite Graphs with Formal Concept Analysis., (2019).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Stumme, G.: Interactive Collaborative Exploration using Incomplete Contexts,, (2019).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Herde, M., Kuhn, J., Leimeister, J.M., Lukowicz, P., Oeste-Reiß, S., Schmidt, A., Sick, B., Stumme, G., Tomforde, S., Zweig, K.A.: Collaborative Interactive Learning - A clarification of terms and a differentiation from other research fields. CoRR. abs/1905.07264, (2019).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Distances for WiFi Based Topological Indoor Mapping. In: 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous), November 12--14, 2019, Houston, TX, USA (2019).
  • 1.
    Dürrschnabel, D., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: DimDraw - A Novel Tool for Drawing Concept Lattices. In: Cristea, D., Ber, F.L., Missaoui, R., Kwuida, L., and Sertkaya, B. (eds.) ICFCA (Supplements). pp. 60–64. (2019).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Marx, M., Stumme, G.: Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata. In: Cristea, D., Ber, F.L., and Sertkaya, B. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis - 15th International Conference, {ICFCA} 2019, Frankfurt, Germany, June 25-28, 2019, Proceedings. pp. 315–323. Springer (2019).
  • 1.
    Schaefermeier, B., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Distances for wifi based topological indoor mapping. In: Proceedings of the 16th {EAI} International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. {ACM} (2019).
  • 1.
    Stubbemann, M., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Orometric Methods in Bounded Metric Data. CoRR. abs/1907.09239, (2019).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Heiberger, R.H., R{ö}dder, S., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: Social studies of scholarly life with sensor-based ethnographic observations. Scientometrics. (2019).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Koyda, M., Stumme, G.: Relevant Attributes in Formal Contexts. In: Endres, D., Alam, M., and Sotropa, D. (eds.) ICCS. pp. 102–116. Springer (2019).


  • 1.
    Demel, A., Dürrschnabel, D., Mchedlidze, T., Radermacher, M., Wulf, L.: A Greedy Heuristic for Crossing-Angle Maximization. In: Biedl, T.C. and Kerren, A. (eds.) Graph Drawing. pp. 286–299. Springer (2018).
  • 1.
    Thiele, L., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G., Kauffeld, S.: {Frequent and/or Durable? The Predictive Impact of Initial Face-to-Face Contacts on the Formation and Evolution of Developmental Peer Network Relationships}. Psychology. (2018).
  • 1.
    Schmidt, A., Stumme, G.: Prominence and Dominance in Networks. In: Faron Zucker, C., Ghidini, C., Napoli, A., and Yannick, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW). pp. 370–385. Springer (2018).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Koyda, M., Stumme, G.: Relevant Attributes in Formal Contexts. CoRR. abs/1812.08868, (2018).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M., Stumme, G.: Intrinsic Dimension of Geometric Data Sets,, (2018).
  • 1.
    Schäfermeier, B., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Distances for WiFi Based Topological Indoor Mapping,, (2018).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Clones in Social Networks. CoRR. abs/1802.07849, (2018).
  • 1.
    Borchmann, D., Hanika, T., Obiedkov, S.: Probably approximately correct learning of Horn envelopes from queries. CoRR. abs/1807.06149, (2018).
  • 1.
    Axenovich, M., Dürrschnabel, D.: Subsets of vertices of the same size and the same maximum distance. 5, (2018).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M., Stumme, G.: Intrinsic dimension and its application to association rules. CoRR. abs/1805.05714, (2018).
  • 1.
    Thiele, L., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G., Kauffeld, S.: Frequent and/or Durable? The Predictive Impact of Initial Face-to-Face Contacts on the Formation and Evolution of Students’ Developmental Peer Network Relationships. Psychology. 09, 633–654 (2018).
  • 1.
    Felde, M., Hanika, T.: Formal Context Generation using Dirichlet Distributions. CoRR. abs/1809.11160, (2018).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Becker, M., Müller, J., Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: {Adaptive kNN Using Expected Accuracy for Classification of Geo-Spatial Data}. In: Proc. 33rd ACM Symposium On Applied Computing. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2018).
  • 1.
    Navarro Bullock, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Accessing Information with Tags: Search and Ranking. In: Brusilovsky, P. and He, D. (eds.) Social Information Access: Systems and Technologies. pp. 310–343. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Hanika, T., Stumme, G.: Clones in Graphs. In: Ceci, M., Japkowicz, N., Liu, J., Papadopoulos, G.A., and Ras, Z.W. (eds.) ISMIS. pp. 56–66. Springer (2018).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Zumbrägel, J.: Towards Collaborative Conceptual Exploration. In: Chapman, P., Endres, D., and Pernelle, N. (eds.) ICCS. pp. 120–134. Springer (2018).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Thiele, L., Stumme, G., Kauffeld, S.: {Analyzing Group Interaction on Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity using Wearable Sensors}. In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Future IoT Technologies. IEEE Press, Boston, MA, USA (2018).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Schneider, F.M., Stumme, G.: Intrinsic dimension of concept lattices. CoRR. abs/1801.07985, (2018).


  • 1.
    Loreto, V., Haklay, M., Hotho, A., Servedio, V.C.P., Stumme, G., Theunis, J., Tria, F. eds.: Participatory sensing, opinions and collective awareness. Springer (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Sternberg, E.: {Mixed-Initiative Feature Engineering Using Knowledge Graphs}. In: Proc. 9th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP). ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Becker, M., Molino, A., Mueller, J., Peters, J., Sirbu, A.: {Applications for Environmental Sensing in EveryAware}. In: Loreto, V., Haklay, M., Hotho, A., Servedio, V.D., Stumme, G., Tria, F., and Theunis, J. (eds.) Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Becker, M., Mueller, J.: {Collective Sensing Platforms}. In: Loreto, V., Haklay, M., Hotho, A., Servedio, V.D., Stumme, G., Tria, F., and Theunis, J. (eds.) Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Thiele, L., Stumme, G., Kauffeld, S.: {Contact Patterns, Group Interaction and Dynamics on Socio-Behavioral Multiplex Networks}. In: Proc. Annual Machine Learning Conference of the Benelux (Benelearn 2017). Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2017).
  • 1.
    Borchmann, D., Hanika, T., Obiedkov, S.: On the Usability of Probably Approximately Correct Implication Bases. CoRR. abs/1701.00877, (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Onto Explicative Data Mining: Exploratory, Interpretable and Explainable Analysis}. In: Proc. Dutch-Belgian Database Day. TU Eindhoven, Netherlands (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Schmidt, A., Kloepper, B., Arnu, D.: {HypGraphs: An Approach for Analysis and Assessment of Graph-Based and Sequential Hypotheses}. In: New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns. Postproceedings NFMCP 2016. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany (2017).
  • 1.
    Mueller, J., Stumme, G.: Predicting Rising Follower Counts on Twitter Using Profile Information. In: 9th International ACM Web Science Conference 2017 (WebSci 2017), Troy, NY, USA, June 26-28, 2017. Accepted for Publication. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2017).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Stumme, G., Amin, I., Lee, J.G.: Mining social media to inform peatland fire and haze disaster management. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 7, 30 (2017).
  • 1.
    Thiele, L., Sauer, N.C., Atzmueller, M., Kauffeld, S.: {The Co-Evolution of Career Aspirations and Peer Relationships in Psychology Bachelor Students: A Longitudinal Social Network Study}. Journal of Vocational Behavior. (2017).
  • 1.
    Gautama, S., Atzmueller, M., Kostakos, V., Gillis, D., Hosio, S.: {Observing Human Activity Through Sensing}. In: Loreto, V., Haklay, M., Hotho, A., Servedio, V.D., Stumme, G., Tria, F., and Theunis, J. (eds.) Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2017).
  • 1.
    Folmer, J., Kirchen, I., Trunzer, E., Vogel-Heuser, B., Pötter, T., Graube, M., Heinze, S., Urbas, L., Atzmueller, M., Arnu, D.: {Challenges for Big and Smart Data in Process Industries}. atp edition. 01-02, (2017).
  • 1.
    Borchmann, D., Hanika, T.: Individuality in Social Networks. In: Missaoui, R., Kuznetsov, S.O., and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis of Social Networks. pp. 19–40. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2017).
  • 1.
    Hanika, T., Zumbrägel, J.: Towards Collaborative Conceptual Exploration. CoRR. abs/1712.08858, (2017).
  • 1.
    Knoell, D., Atzmueller, M., Rieder, C., Scherer, K.P.: {A Scalable Framework for Data-Driven Ontology Evaluation}. In: Proc. GWEM 2017, co-located with 9th Conference Professional Knowledge Management (WM 2017). KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany (2017).
  • 1.
    Kanawati, R., Atzmueller, M.: {Mining Attributed Networks},, (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Community Detection and Analysis on Attributed Social Networks}. In: Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hayat, N., Schmidt, A., Klöpper, B.: {Explanation-Aware Feature Selection using Symbolic Time Series Abstraction: Approaches and Experiences in a Petro-Chemical Production Context}. In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). IEEE Press, Boston, MA, USA (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Arnu, D., Schmidt, A.: {Anomaly Analytics and Structural Assessment in Process Industries}. In: Proc. Annual Machine Learning Conference of the Benelux (Benelearn 2017). Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Arnu, D., Schmidt, A.: {Anomaly Detection and Structural Analysis in Industrial Production Environments}. In: Proc. International Data Science Conference (IDSC 2017). , Salzburg, Austria (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Exceptional Model Mining in Ubiquitous and Social Environments}. In: Proc. Annual Machine Learning Conference of the Benelux (Benelearn 2017). Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2017).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Descriptive Community Detection}. In: Missaoui, R., Obiedkov, S., and Kuznetsov, S. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis in Social Network Analysis. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany (2017).


  • 1.
    Knoell, D., Atzmueller, M., Rieder, C., Scherer, K.P.: {BISHOP – Big Data Driven Self-Learning Support for High-performance Ontology Population}. In: Proc. LWA 2016 (FGWM Special Track). University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany (2016).
  • 1.
    Niebler, T., Becker, M., Zoller, D., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A.: FolkTrails: Interpreting Navigation Behavior in a Social Tagging System. In: Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Advances in Exploratory Pattern Analytics on Ubiquitous Data and Social Media}. In: Michaelis, S., Piatkowski, N., and Stolpe, M. (eds.) Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks: Challenges and Algorithms. Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Katharina Morik. Springer Verlag (2016).
  • 1.
    Klöpper, B., Dix, M., Schorer, L., Ampofo, A., Atzmueller, M., Arnu, D., Klinkenberg, R.: {Defining Software Architectures for Big Data Enabled Operator Support Systems}. In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). IEEE Press, Boston, MA, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Fries, B., Hayat, N.: {Sensing, Processing and Analytics - Augmenting the Ubicon Platform for Anticipatory Ubiquitous Computing}. In: Proc. ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Detecting Community Patterns Capturing Exceptional Link Trails}. In: Proc. IEEE/ACM ASONAM. IEEE Press, Boston, MA, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Gebhardt, J., Froese, T., Krüger, A., Appel, J., Benner, R., Hammer, M., Altermann, A., Hochrein, T., Kugler, C., Jatzkowski, P., Gloy, Y.-S., Saggiomo, M., Roth, R., Elixmann, I., Tapken, H., Weber, W., Atzmueller, M., Garcke, J., Pielmeier, J., Rosen, R., Tercan, H.: {Statusreport: Chancen mit Big Data -- Best Practice}. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (2016).
  • 1.
    Mueller, J., Stumme, G.: Gender Inference using Statistical Name Characteristics in Twitter. In: 5th ASE International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2016), Union, NJ, USA, August 15-17, 2016. Proceedings. pp. 47:1–47:8. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: The Role of Cores in Recommender Benchmarking for Social Bookmarking Systems. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 7, 40:1–40:33 (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Mitzlaff, F.: Description-Oriented Community Detection using Exhaustive Subgroup Discovery. Information Sciences. 329, 965–984 (2016).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Zoller, D., Singer, P., Niebler, T., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: What Users Actually do in a Social Tagging System: A Study of User Behavior in BibSonomy. ACM Transactions on the Web. 10, 14:1–14:32 (2016).
  • 1.
    Zoller, D., Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G., Hotho, A.: Posted, visited, exported: Altmetrics in the social tagging system BibSonomy. Journal of Informetrics. 10, 732–749 (2016).
  • 1.
    Borchmann, D., Hanika, T.: Some Experimental Results on Randomly Generating Formal Contexts. In: Huchard, M. and Kuznetsov, S. (eds.) CLA. pp. 57–69. (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Schmidt, A., Kibanov, M.: {DASHTrails: An Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Distribution-Adapted Sequential Hypotheses and Trails}. In: Proc. WWW 2016 (Companion). IW3C2 / ACM (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hanika, T., Stumme, G., Schaller, R., Ludwig, B.: {Social Event Network Analysis: Structure, Preferences, and Reality}. In: Proc. IEEE/ACM ASONAM. IEEE Press, Boston, MA, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Mollenhauer, D., Schmidt, A.: {Big Data Analytics Using Local Exceptionality Detection}. In: {Enterprise Big Data Engineering, Analytics, and Management}. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Oussena, S., Roth-Berghofer, T. eds.: {Enterprise Big Data Engineering, Analytics and Management}. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Local Exceptionality Detection on Social Interaction Networks}. In: Proc. ECML-PKDD 2016: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Thiele, L., Stumme, G., Kauffeld, S.: {Analyzing Group Interaction and Dynamics on Socio-Behavioral Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity}. In: Proc. ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Ernst, A., Krebs, F., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: {Formation and Temporal Evolution of Social Groups During Coffee Breaks}. In: Postproceedings of the International Workshops MUSE & SenseML 2014, Nancy, France, and MSM 2014, Seoul, Korea. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Community Detection: From Plain to Attributed Complex Networks}. In: Proc. ACM Web Science Conference. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Schmidt, A., Kloepper, B., Arnu, D.: {HypGraphs: An Approach for Modeling and Comparing Graph-Based and Sequential Hypotheses}. In: Proc. ECML-PKDD Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns (NFMCP). , Riva del Garda, Italy (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Janssen, F., Schweizer, I., Trattner, C. eds.: {Big Data Analytics in the Social and Ubiquitous Context}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2016).
  • 1.
    Lemmerich, F., Atzmueller, M., Puppe, F.: {Fast Exhaustive Subgroup Discovery with Numerical Target Concepts}. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 30, 711–762 (2016).
  • 1.
    Schmidt, A., Atzmueller, M., Hollender, M.: {Data Preparation for Big Data Analytics: Methods \& Experiences}. In: {Enterprise Big Data Engineering, Analytics, and Management}. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Kloepper, B., Mawla, H.A., Jäschke, B., Hollender, M., Graube, M., Arnu, D., Schmidt, A., Heinze, S., Schorer, L., Kroll, A., Stumme, G., Urbas, L.: {Big Data Analytics for Proactive Industrial Decision Support: Approaches \& First Experiences in the Context of the FEE Project}. atp edition. 58, (2016).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Schmidt, A., Arnu, D.: {Sequential Modeling and Structural Anomaly Analytics in Industrial Production Environments}. In: Proc. LWA 2016 (KDML Special Track). University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany (2016).


  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: The Role of Cores in Recommender Benchmarking for Social Bookmarking Systems. Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Subgroup Discovery and Community Detection on Attributed Graphs},, (2015).
  • 1.
    Zoller, D., Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G., Hotho, A.: On Publication Usage in a Social Bookmarking System. In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Web Science. pp. 67:1–67:2. ACM, Oxford, United Kingdom (2015).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Illig, J., Scholz, C., Barrat, A., Cattuto, C., Stumme, G.: Is Web Content a Good Proxy for Real-Life Interaction? A Case Study Considering Online and Offline Interactions of Computer Scientists. In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2015, Paris, France, August 25-28, 2015 (2015).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M.: Mining Groups Stability in Ubiquitous and Social Environments: Communities, Classes and Clusters. In: Cheng, X., Li, H., Gabrilovich, E., and Tang, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. pp. 441–446. ACM, Shanghai, China (2015).
  • 1.
    Knoell, D., Rieder, C., Atzmueller, M., Scherer, K.P.: {Towards Generating Test Ontologies using Subgroup Discovery}. In: Proc. LWA 2015 (WM Special Track) (2015).
  • 1.
    Sîrbu, A., Becker, M., Caminiti, S., De Baets, B., Elen, B., Francis, L., Gravino, P., Hotho, A., Ingarra, S., Loreto, V., Molino, A., Mueller, J., Peters, J., Ricchiuti, F., Saracino, F., Servedio, V.D.P., Stumme, G., Theunis, J., Tria, F., Van den Bossche, J.: Participatory Patterns in an International Air Quality Monitoring Initiative. PLOS ONE. 10, 1–19 (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Scholz, C., Trattner, C. eds.: {Mining, Modeling and Recommending ’Things’ in Social Media}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Mueller, J., Becker, M.: {Exploratory Subgroup Analytics on Ubiquitous Data}. In: Mining, Modeling and Recommending ’Things’ in Social Media. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2015).
  • 1.
    Singer, P., Helic, D., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: Hyptrails: A bayesian approach for comparing hypotheses about human trails. In: 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2015). ACM, Firenze, Italy (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Subgroup and Community Analytics on Attributed Graphs}. In: Proc. International Workshop on Social Network Analysis using Formal Concept Analysis (SNAFCA-2015). CEUR-WS (2015).
  • 1.
    Tran, T., Tran, N.-K., Teka Hadgu, A., Jäschke, R.: Semantic Annotation for Microblog Topics Using Wikipedia Temporal Information. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Association for Computational Linguistics (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Mitzlaff, F.: {Fast Description-Oriented Community Detection using Subgroup Discovery (Extended Abstract, Resubmission)}. In: Proc. LWA 2015 (KDML Special Track) (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Kibanov, M., Scholz, C., Mueller, J., Stumme, G.: {Conferator – A Ubiquitous System for Enhancing Social Networking at Conferences}. In: Proc. UIS Workshop (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Lemmerich, F. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2015)}. CEUR-WS, Porto, Portugal (2015).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Illig, J., Scholz, C., Barrat, A., Cattuto, C., Stumme, G.: {Is Web Content a Good Proxy for Real-Life Interaction? A Case Study Considering Online and Offline Interactions of Computer Scientists (Poster)},, (2015).
  • 1.
    Pujari, S.C., Teka Hadgu, A., Lex, E., Jäschke, R.: Social Activity versus Academic Activity: A Case Study of Computer Scientists on Twitter. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2015).
  • 1.
    Ring, M., Otto, F., Becker, M., Niebler, T., Landes, D., Hotho, A.: ConDist: A Context-Driven Categorical Distance Measure. Presented at the (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Subgroup Discovery - Advanced Review}. WIREs: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 5, 35–49 (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Subgroup and Community Analytics},, (2015).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Amin, I., Lee, J.G.: Supporting Peat Fire Management using Social Media, (2015).
  • 1.
    v. Kistowski, J., Nikolas, H., Zoller, D., Kounev, S., Hotho, A.: Modeling and Extracting Load Intensity Profiles. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) (2015).
  • 1.
    Dallmann, A., Lemmerich, F., Zoller, D., Hotho, A.: Media Bias in German Online Newspapers. In: 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. ACM, Cyprus, Turkey, September 1-4 (2015).
  • 1.
    Schmidt, A., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: The FEE Project: Introduction and First Insights. In: Proc. UIS Workshop (2015).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Kibanov, M., Hayat, N., Trojahn, M., Kroll, D.: {Adaptive Class Association Rule Mining for Human Activity Recognition}. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE2015). , Porto, Portugal (2015).


  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Macek, B.-E., Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Stumme, G.: {Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems}. Presented at the , Heidelberg, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Mueller, J.: Summary of the 15th Discovery Challenge: Recommending Given Names. In: 15th Discovery Challenge of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2013, Prague, Czech Republic - Sctober 27, 2013. Proceedings. pp. 7–24. CEUR-WS, Aachen, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Cantador, I., Chi, M., Farzan, R., Jäschke, R. eds.: UMAP 2014 Extended Proceedings. CEUR-WS (2014).
  • 1.
    Hernandez, N., Jäschke, R., Croitoru, M. eds.: Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning. Springer (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Kibanov, M., Stumme, G.: {Predictability of Evolving Contacts and Triadic Closure in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks}. Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining. 4, (2014).
  • 1.
    Blümel, I., Dietze, S., Heller, L., Jäschke, R., Mehlberg, M.: The Quest for Research Information. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems. euroCRIS (2014).
  • 1.
    Illig, J., Roth, B., Klakow, D.: Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, volume 2: Short Papers. pp. 100–105. Association for Computational Linguistics, Gothenburg, Sweden (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Becker, M., Kibanov, M., Scholz, C., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Macek, B.-E., Mitzlaff, F., Mueller, J., Stumme, G.: Ubicon and its Applications for Ubiquitous Social Computing. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. 1, 53–77 (2014).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: {Temporal Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Human Interactions}. Science China. 57, (2014).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Mitzlaff, F., Mueller, J. eds.: Proceedings of the ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2013 - Recommending Given Names. (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Baraki, H., Behrenbruch, K., Comes, D., Evers, C., Hoffmann, A., Hoffmann, H., Jandt, S., Kibanov, M., Kieselmann, O., Kniewel, R., König, I., Macek, B.-E., Niemczyk, S., Scholz, C., Schuldt, M., Schulz, T., Skistims, H., Söllner, M., Voigtmann, C., Witsch, A., Zirfas, J.: {Die VENUS-Entwicklungsmethode: Eine interdisziplinäre Methode für soziotechnische Softwaregestaltung}. Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG), University of Kassel (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Data Mining on Social Interaction Networks}. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities. 1, (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: On the Predictability of Recurring Links in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity. In: [accepted/to appear] (ed.) 5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media at the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2014. , Seoul, South Korea (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Ernst, A., Krebs, F., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: On the Evolution of Social Groups During Coffee Breaks. In: [accepted/to appear] (ed.) 5th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media: Mining Big Data in Social Media at the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2014. , Seoul, South Korea (2014).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: The social distributional hypothesis: a pragmatic proxy for homophily in online social networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 4, (2014).
  • 1.
    Macek, B.-E., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {Predicting the Stability of User Interaction Ties in Twitter}. In: Proc. I-KNOW 2014. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2014).
  • 1.
    Jannach, D., Freyne, J., Geyer, W., Guy, I., Hotho, A., Mobasher, B.: The sixth {ACM} RecSys workshop on recommender systems and the social web. In: Eighth {ACM} Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys ’14, Foster City, Silicon Valley, CA, {USA} - October 06 - 10, 2014. p. 395 (2014).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Zoller, D., Singer, P., Niebler, T., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: Of course we share! Testing Assumptions about Social Tagging Systems,, (2014).
  • 1.
    Hadgu, A.T., Jäschke, R.: Identifying and Analyzing Researchers on Twitter. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Web Science. pp. 23–30. ACM, Bloomington, Indiana, USA (2014).
  • 1.
    Thiele, L., Atzmueller, M., Kauffeld, S., Stumme, G.: {Subjective versus Objective Captured Social Networks: Comparing Standard Self-Report Questionnaire Data with Observational RFID Technology Data}. In: Proc. Measuring Behavior. , Wageningen, The Netherlands (2014).
  • 1.
    Becker, M., Hotho, A., Mueller, J., Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: Subjective vs. Objective Data: Bridging the Gap,, (2014).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: {The Social Distributional Hypothesis}. Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining. 4, (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {Predictability of Evolving Contacts and Triadic Closure in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks}. Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining. 4, (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Illig, J., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences. In: Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. pp. 279–284. ACM, Santiago, Chile (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2014)}. ECML/PKDD 2014, Nancy, France (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Macek, B.-E., Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Stumme, G.: {Mining Social Links for Ubiquitous Knowledge Engineering}. In: David, K., Geihs, K., Leimeister, J.-M., Roßnagel, A., Schmidt, L., Stumme, G., and Wacker, A. (eds.) {Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Thiele, L., Stumme, G., Kauffeld, S.: {Evolution and Dynamics of Student Interaction on Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity}. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Smart University Workshop (SmartU 2014), London, UK. , London, UK (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Illig, J., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences (Extended Version)}. CoRR. abs/1407.0613, (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Illig, J., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences (Extended Abstract, Resubmission)}. In: Proc. LWA 2014 (KDML Special Track). RTWH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Mining Social Interaction -- Ubiquitous Sensors and Social Media}. In: Proc. International Conference on Future RFID Technologies. pp. 5–13. , Eger, Hungary (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Bobek, S., Kibanov, M., Nalepa, G.J.: {Towards Context Detection in the Ambient Classroom using Wearable Sensors}. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Smart University Workshop (SmartU 2014), London, UK. , London, UK (2014).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Zoller, D., Singer, P., Niebler, T., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: How Social is Social Tagging?. In: Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. pp. 251–252. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Seoul, Korea (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Illig, J., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {On the Predictability of Talk Attendance at Academic Conferences (Extended Abstract)}. In: Proc. LWA 2014 (KDML Special Track). RTWH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmüller, M., Baraki, H., Behrenbruch, K., Comes, D., Evers, C., Hoffmann, A., Hoffmann, H., Jandt, S., Kibanov, M., Kieselmann, O., Kniewel, R., König, I., Macek, B., Niemczyk, S., Scholz, C., Schuldt, M., Schulz, T., Skistims, H., Söllner, M., Voigtmann, C., Witsch, A., Zirfas, J.: Die VENUS-Entwicklungsmethode - Eine interdisziplinäre Methode für soziotechnische Softwaregestaltung. Kassel University Press (2014).
  • 1.
    Blümel, I., Hauschke, C., Jäschke, R.: Literatur recherchieren und verwalten. In: CoScience - Gemeinsam forschen und publizieren mit dem Netz. pp. 12–20. Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Trattner, C. eds.: {Proceedings MSM 2014: Workshop on Modeling Social Media - Mining Big Data in Social Media and the Web}. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: Link Prediction and the Role of Stronger Ties in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity. CoRR. abs/1407.2161, (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Behrenbruch, K., Hoffmann, A., Kibanov, M., Macek, B.-E., Scholz, C., Skistims, H., Söllner, M., Stumme, G.: {Connect-U: A System for Enhancing Social Networking}. In: David, K., Geihs, K., Leimeister, J.-M., Roßnagel, A., Schmidt, L., Stumme, G., and Wacker, A. (eds.) {Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Singer, P., Niebler, T., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: Folksonomies. In: Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. pp. 542–547. Springer (2014).
  • 1.
    David, K., Geihs, K., Leimeister, J.M., Roßnagel, A., Schmidt, L., Stumme, G., Wacker, A. eds.: Socio-technical design of ubiquitous computing systems. Springer (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Behrenbruch, K., Hoffmann, A., Kibanov, M., Macek, B.-E., Scholz, C., Skistims, H., Söllner, M., Stumme, G.: {Socio-technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems}. Presented at the , Heidelberg, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Analyzing and Grounding Social Interaction in Online and Offline Networks}. In: Proc. ECML/PKDD 2014: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. pp. 485–488. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2014).
  • 1.
    Cellier, P., Charnois, T., Hotho, A., Matwin, S., Moens, M.- }Francine, Toussaint, Y. eds.: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interactions between Data Mining and Natural Language Processing co-located with The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, DMNLP@PKDD/ECML 2014, Nancy, France, September 15, 2014. (2014).
  • 1.
    Jannach, D., Freyne, J., Geyer, W., Guy, I., Hotho, A., Mobasher, B. eds.: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web (RSWeb 2014) co-located with the 8th {ACM} Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2014), Foster City, CA, USA, October 6, 2014. (2014).
  • 1.
    Yang, S., Lerman, K., She, J., Atzmueller, M. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Social Computing, Beijing, China, August 04 - 07, 2014}. {ACM} (2014).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Zoller, D., Singer, P., Niebler, T., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: Evaluating Assumptions about Social Tagging - A Study of User Behavior in BibSonomy. In: Seidl, T., Hassani, M., and Beecks, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th LWA Workshops: KDML, IR and FGWM, Aachen, Germany, September 8-10, 2014. pp. 18–19. (2014).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Mitzlaff, F., Mueller, J. eds.: ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge - Recommending Given Names. CEUR-WS (2014).
  • 1.
    Singer, P., Helic, D., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M.: HypTrails: A Bayesian Approach for Comparing Hypotheses about Human Trails on the Web,, (2014).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: Unsupervised and Hybrid Approaches for On-Line RFID Localization with Mixed Context Knowledge. In: ISMIS (2014).


  • 1.
    Niebler, T., Singer, P., Benz, D., Körner, C., Strohmaier, M., Hotho, A.: How Tagging Pragmatics Influence Tag Sense Discovery in Social Annotation Systems. In: Serdyukov, P., Braslavski, P., Kuznetsov, S., Kamps, J., Rüger, S., Agichtein, E., Segalovich, I., and Yilmaz, E. (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval. pp. 86–97. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2013).
  • 1.
    Becker, M., Caminiti, S., Fiorella, D., Francis, L., Gravino, P., Haklay, M. (Muki), Hotho, A., Loreto, V., Mueller, J., Ricchiuti, F., Servedio, V.D.P., Sîrbu, A., Tria, F.: Awareness and Learning in Participatory Noise Sensing. PLOS ONE. 8, e81638 (2013).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Rudolph, S.: Attribute Exploration on the Web. In: Cellier, P., Distel, F., and Ganter, B. (eds.) Contributions to the 11th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 19–34. Technische Universität Dresden (2013).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Recommending Given Names,, (2013).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Onomastics 2.0 - The Power of Social Co-Occurrences,, (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Kibanov, M., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: {Conferator - a Social System for Conference and Contact Management}, (2013).
  • 1.
    Mueller, J., Doerfel, S., Becker, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Tag Recommendations for SensorFolkSonomies. In: Recommender Systems and the Social Web Workshop at 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2013, Hong Kong, China -- October 12-16, 2013. Proceedings. CEUR-WS, Aachen, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Kartal-Aydemir, A., Roßnagel, A., Stumme, G.: Informationelle Selbstbestimmung Im Web 2.0 Chancen Und Risiken Sozialer Verschlagwortungssysteme. Vieweg + Teubner Verlag (2013).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F.: Name Me If You Can(!) - Leveraging Networks of Given Names. In: Proceedings from Sunbelt XXXIII (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Helic, D., Hotho, A. eds.: Ubiquitous Social Media Analysis Third International Workshops, MUSE 2012, Bristol, UK, September 24, 2012, and MSM 2012, Milwaukee, WI, USA, June 25, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Imprint: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Helic, D., Hotho, A. eds.: {Ubiquitous Social Media Analysis}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Bobek, S., Kibanov, M., Nalepa, G.J.: Towards the Ambient Classroom: An Environment for Enhancing Collaborative Educational Processes. In: Roth-Berghofer, T., Oussena, S., and Atzmueller, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the Smart University Workshop, SmartUni 2013 -- International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, Context 2013, Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France, 28 October, 2013 (2013).
  • 1.
    Becker, M., Mueller, J., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: A Generic Platform for Ubiquitous and Subjective Data. In: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Crowdsensing Architecture and Applications, PUCAA 2013, Zurich, Switzerland -- September 9, 2013. Proceedings. p. New York, NY, USA. ACM (2013).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Kibanov, M., Stumme, G.: How Do People Link? Analysis of Contact Structures in Human Face-to-Face Proximity Networks. In: Rokne, J.G. and Faloutsos, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2013 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2013, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 25-28, 2013. pp. 356–363. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hilgenberg, K.: {SDCF - A Sensor Data Collection Framework for Social and Ubiquitous Environments: Challenges and First Experiences in Sensor-based Social Networks (Abstract)}. In: Proc. Sunbelt XXXIII: Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Network Analysis. INSNA, Hamburg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Erdmann, D.J., Atzmueller, M.: {How to Select a Suitable Tool for a Software Development Project: Three Case Studies and the Lessons Learned}. In: Software Engineering 2013 - Workshopband. Gesellschaft für Informatik (2013).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G., Hotho, A.: {On the Semantics of User Interaction in Social Media (Extended Abstract)}. In: Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track). University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: {Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity (Extended Abstract, Resubmission)}. In: Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track). University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Landia, N., Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Anand, S.S., Hotho, A., Griffiths, N.: Deeper Into the Folksonomy Graph: FolkRank Adaptations and Extensions for Improved Tag Recommendations. cs.IR. 1310.1498, (2013).
  • 1.
    Kluegl, P., Toepfer, M., Lemmerich, F., Hotho, A., Puppe, F.: Exploiting Structural Consistencies with Stacked Conditional Random Fields. Mathematical Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 30, 111–125 (2013).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: User-Relatedness and Community Structure in Social Interaction Networks,, (2013).
  • 1.
    Roth-Berghofer, T., Oussena, S., Atzmueller, M. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2013 International Smart University Workshop (SmartU 2013)}. CONTEXT 2013, Annecy, France (2013).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: {Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity (Extended Abstract)}. In: Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track). University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Mobasher, B., Jannach, D., Geyer, W., Freyne, J., Hotho, A., Anand, S.S., Guy, I. eds.: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web co-located with the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2013), Hong Kong, China, October 13, 2013. (2013).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G., Hotho, A.: {Semantics of User Interaction in Social Media}. In: Ghoshal, G., Poncela-Casasnovas, J., and Tolksdorf, R. (eds.) Complex Networks IV. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R.: An analysis of tag-recommender evaluation procedures. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems. pp. 343–346. ACM, Hong Kong, China (2013).
  • 1.
    Macek, B.-E., Atzmueller, M.: Visualizing The Impact of Time Series Data for Predicting User Interactions. In: Proc. ASONAM 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2013).
  • 1.
    Singer, P., Niebler, T., Strohmaier, M., Hotho, A.: Computing Semantic Relatedness from Human Navigational Paths: A Case Study on Wikipedia. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS). 9, 41–70 (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Community and Pattern Analytics in Social Networks},, (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Mueller, J.: {Subgroup Analytics and Interactive Assessment on Ubiquitous Data}. In: {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE2013)}. , Prague, Czech Republic (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hilgenberg, K.: {Towards Capturing Social Interactions with SDCF: An Extensible Framework for Mobile Sensing and Ubiquitous Data Collection}. In: Proc. 4th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2013), Hypertext 2013. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2013).
  • 1.
    Seipel, D., Köhler, S., Neubeck, P., Atzmueller, M.: {Mining Complex Event Patterns in Computer Networks}. In: {Postproceedings of the 1st Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns (NFMCP 2012}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Scholz, {Christoph, Atzmueller, M., Barrat, A., Cattuto, C., Gerd Stumme}: {New Insights and Methods For Predicting Face-To-Face Contacts}. In: Proc. 7th Intl. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. AAAI Press, Palo Alto, CA, USA (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Social Behavior in Mobile Social Networks: Characterizing Links, Roles and Communities}. In: Chin, A. and Zhang, D. (eds.) Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2013).
  • 1.
    Schulz, T., Skistims, H., Zirfas, J., Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C.: {Rechtliche Ausgestaltung sozialer Konferenzplattformen}. ZD. 2, 60–65 (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2013)}. ECML/PKDD 2013, Prague, Czech Republic (2013).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Barrat, A., Cattuto, C., Stumme, G.: New Insights and Methods For Predicting Face-To-Face Contacts. In: Proc. 7th Intl. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. AAAI Press, Palo Alto, CA, USA (2013).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Lemmerich, F.: {Exploratory Pattern Mining on Social Media using Geo-References and Social Tagging Information}. International Journal of Web Science. 2, (2013).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M., Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: On the Evolution of Contacts and Communities in Networks of Face-to-Face Proximity. In: Guerrero, J.E. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, CPSCom 2013, Beijing, China, 20-23 August, 2013. pp. 993–1000. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA (2013).


  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A. eds.: {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2012)}. Workshop Notes, Bristol, UK (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Becker, M., Doerfel, S., Kibanov, M., Hotho, A., Macek, B.-E., Mitzlaff, F., Mueller, J., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: Ubicon: Observing Social and Physical Activities. In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, CPSCom 2012, Besançon, France, 20-23 November, 2012. pp. 317–324. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA (2012).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Namelings - Discover Given Name Relatedness Based on Data from the Social Web. In: Aberer, K., Flache, A., Jager, W., Liu, L., Tang, J., and Guéret, C. (eds.) SocInfo. pp. 531–534. Springer (2012).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Leveraging Publication Metadata and Social Data into FolkRank for Scientific Publication Recommendation. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web. pp. 9–16. ACM, Dublin, Ireland (2012).
  • 1.
    Landia, N., Anand, S.S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Doerfel, S., Mitzlaff, F.: Extending FolkRank with Content Data. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web. pp. 1–8. ACM, Dublin, Ireland (2012).
  • 1.
    Kibanov, M.: Untersuchung von Versionsverwaltungssystemen mit Zielsetzung der Optimierung der kollaborativen Entwicklung, (2012).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: Publication Analysis of the Formal Concept Analysis Community. In: Domenach, F., Ignatov, D., and Poelmans, J. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 77–95. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2012).
  • 1.
    Balby Marinho, L., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Nanopoulos, A., Rendle, S., Schmidt-Thieme, L., Stumme, G., Symeonidis, P.: Recommender Systems for Social Tagging Systems. Springer (2012).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {Analyzing the Predictability of Human Contacts: On Influence Factors and Stronger Ties (Extended Abstract)}. In: Proc. LWA 2012 (KDML Special Track). University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Klügl, P., Toepfer, M., Lemmerich, F., Hotho, A., Puppe, F.: Collective Information Extraction with Context-Specific Consistencies. In: Flach, P.A., Bie, T.D., and Cristianini, N. (eds.) ECML/PKDD (1). pp. 728–743. Springer (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: Mining Social Media. Informatik Spektrum. 35, 132–135 (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Face-to-Face Contacts at a Conference: Dynamics of Communities and Roles. In: {Modeling and Mining Ubiquitous Social Media}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: {On the Predictability of Human Contacts: Influence Factors and the Strength of Stronger Ties}. In: Proc. Fourth ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom). IEEE Computer Society, Boston, MA, USA (2012).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Challenges in Tag Recommendations for Collaborative Tagging Systems. In: Pazos Arias, J.J., Fernández Vilas, A., and Díaz Redondo, R.P. (eds.) Recommender Systems for the Social Web. pp. 65–87. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2012).
  • 1.
    Krause, B., Lerch, H., Hotho, A., Roßnagel, A., Stumme, G.: Datenschutz im Web 2.0 am Beispiel des sozialen Tagging-Systems BibSonomy. Informatik Spektrum. 35, 12–23 (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Chin, A., Helic, D., Hotho, A. eds.: Modeling and Mining Ubiquitous Social Media. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Behrenbruch, K., Atzmueller, M., Evers, C., Schmidt, L., Stumme, G., Geihs, K.: {A Personality Based Design Approach Using Subgroup Discovery}. In: Human-Centred Software Engineering. pp. 259–266. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Strohmaier, M., Helic, D., Benz, D., Körner, C., Kern, R.: Evaluation of Folksonomy Induction Algorithms. Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. (2012).
  • 1.
    Lemmerich, F., Becker, M., Atzmueller, M.: {Generic Pattern Trees for Exhaustive Exceptional Model Mining}. In: Proc. ECML/PKDD 2012: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Relatedness of Given Names. Human Journal. 1, 205–217 (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Onto Collective Intelligence in Social Media: Exemplary Applications and Perspectives}. In: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM 2012), Hypertext 2012. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Beer, S., Puppe, F.: {Data Mining, Validation and Collaborative Knowledge Capture}. In: Brüggemann, S. and d’Amato, C. (eds.) Collaboration and the Semantic Web: Social Networks, Knowledge Networks, and Knowledge Resources. pp. 149–167. IGI Global (2012).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Ranking Given Names. In: Marathe, M. and Contractor, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st ASE International Conference on Social Informatics. pp. 185–191. IEEE computer society (2012).
  • 1.
    Landia, N., Anand, S.S., Hotho, A., J{ä}schke, R., Doerfel, S., Mitzlaff, F.: Extending FolkRank with content data. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web. pp. 1–8. ACM, Dublin, Ireland (2012).
  • 1.
    Klügl, P., Toepfer, M., Lemmerich, F., Hotho, A., Puppe, F.: Stacked Conditional Random Fields Exploiting Structural Consistencies. In: Carmona, P.L., Sánchez, J.S., and Fred, A. (eds.) Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods ICPRAM. pp. 240–248. SciTePress, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Lemmerich, F.: {VIKAMINE - Open-Source Subgroup Discovery, Pattern Mining, and Analytics}. In: Proc. ECML/PKDD 2012: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: {Mining Social Media: Key Players, Sentiments, and Communities}. WIREs: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 1069, (2012).
  • 1.
    Mobasher, B., Jannach, D., Geyer, W., Hotho, A.: RSWeb ’12: Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web. ACM, Dublin, Ireland (2012).
  • 1.
    Chin, A., Atzmueller, M., Helic, D. eds.: {Proceedings MSM 2012: Workshop on Modeling Social Media -- Collective Intelligence in Social Media}. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2012).
  • 1.
    Mobasher, B., Jannach, D., Geyer, W., Hotho, A.: 4th ACM RecSys workshop on recommender systems and the social web. In: Cunningham, P., Hurley, N.J., Guy, I., and Anand, S.S. (eds.) RecSys. pp. 345–346. ACM (2012).
  • 1.
    Said, A., Tikk, D., Hotho, A.: The challenge of recommender systems challenges. In: Cunningham, P., Hurley, N.J., Guy, I., and Anand, S.S. (eds.) RecSys. pp. 9–10. ACM (2012).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Publikationen im Web 2.0. Informatik-Spektrum. 1–5 (2012).
  • 1.
    Seipel, D., Neubeck, P., Köhler, S., Atzmueller, M.: {Mining Complex Event Patterns in Computer Networks}. In: Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns. , Bristol, UK (2012).
  • 1.
    Lemmerich, F., Atzmueller, M.: {Describing Locations using Tags and Images: Explorative Pattern Mining in Social Media}. In: {Modeling and Mining Ubiquitous Social Media}. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2012).
  • 1.
    Macek, B.E., Scholz, C., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G.: Anatomy of a Conference. In: Proc. 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT ’12 (2012).


  • 1.
    Doerfel, S.: A Context-Based Description of the Doubly Founded Concept Lattices in the Variety Generated by M_3. In: Valtchev, P. and Jäschke, R. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 93–106. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg (2011).
  • 1.
    Behrenbruch, K., Atzmueller, M., Kniewel, R., Hoberg, S., Stumme, G., Schmidt, L.: Gestaltung technisch-sozialer Vernetzung in der Arbeitsorganisation: Untersuchung zur Nutzerakzeptanz von RFID-Technologie. In: GfA-Frühjahrskongress. , Chemnitz (2011).
  • 1.
    Navarro Bullock, B., Lerch, H., Ro\ssnagel, A., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Privacy-aware spam detection in social bookmarking systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies. pp. 15:1–15:8. ACM, Graz, Austria (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmüller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Towards Mining Semantic Maturity in Social Bookmarking Systems. In: Passant, A., Fernández, S., Breslin, J., and Bojārs, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2011) (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmüller, M., Benz, D., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Macek, B.-E., {Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences. it - Information Technology, (53)3:101--107, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, May 2011. (2011).
  • 1.
    Balby Marinho, L., Nanopoulos, A., Schmidt-Thieme, L., Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Stumme, G., Symeonidis, P.: Social Tagging Recommender Systems. In: Ricci, F., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., and Kantor, P.B. (eds.) Recommender Systems Handbook. pp. 615–644. Springer, New York (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M., Chin, A. eds.: Analysis of Social Media and Ubiquitous Data - International Workshops MSM 2010, Toronto, Canada, June 13, 2010, and MUSE 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 20, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Springer (2011).
  • 1.
    Illig, J., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: A Comparison of Content-Based Tag Recommendations in Folksonomy Systems. In: Wolff, K., Palchunov, D., Zagoruiko, N., and Andelfinger, U. (eds.) Knowledge Processing and Data Analysis. pp. 136–149. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Mitzlaff, F.: Efficient Descriptive Community Mining. In: Proc. 24th Intl. FLAIRS Conference. AAAI Press (2011).
  • 1.
    Kartal, A., Doerfel, S., Roßnagel, A., Stumme, G.: Privatsphären- und Datenschutz in Community-Plattformen: Gestaltung von Online-Bewertungsportalen. In: Heiß, H.-U., Pepper, P., Schlingloff, H., and Schneider, J. (eds.) Informatik 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities - Proceedings der 41. GI-Jahrestagung. p. 412. Bonner Köllen Verlag (2011).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R.: Formal Concept Analysis and Tag Recommendations in Collaborative Tagging Systems. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, Heidelberg, Germany (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Macek, B.E., Mitzlaff, F., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences. Information Technology. 53, 101–107 (2011).
  • 1.
    Valtchev, P., Jäschke, R. eds.: Formal Concept Analysis. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmüller, M., Benz, D., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Macek, B.E., Mitzlaff, F., Scholz, C., Stumme, G.: Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences. it - Information Technology. 53, 101–107 (2011).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Körner, C., Hotho, A., Stumme, G., Strohmaier, M.: One Tag to Bind Them All : Measuring Term Abstractness in Social Metadata. In: Antoniou, G., Grobelnik, M., Simperl, E., Parsia, B., Plexousakis, D., Pan, J., and Leenheer, P.D. (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011). , Heraklion, Crete (2011).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Structure and Consistency: Assessment of Social Bookmarking Communities. In: Proceedings from Sunbelt XXXI. , Trade Winds Beach Resort (2011).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: {Community Assessment using Evidence Networks}. In: Analysis of Social Media and Ubiquitous Data (2011).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C., Doerfel, S., Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Resource-Aware On-Line RFID Localization Using Proximity Data. In: Working Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation (2011).
  • 1.
    Cattuto, C., Hotho, A.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Social Linking and Hypermedia. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. 17, 241–242 (2011).
  • 1.
    {Björn-Elmar Macek, M.A.: Profile Mining in CVS-Logs and Face-to-Face Contacts for Recommending Software Developers. In: Proc. of the third Inernational Conference on Social Computing. pp. 250–257. IEEE Computer Society, Boston, MA, USA (2011).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Stumme, G., Hotho, A.: {On the Semantics of User Interaction in Social Media (Extended Abstract, Resubmission)}. In: Proc. LWA 2013 (KDML Special Track). University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany (2011).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: From Semantic Web Mining to Social and Ubiquitous Mining - A Subjective View on Past, Current, and Future Research. In: Fensel, D. (ed.) Foundations for the Web of Information and Services. pp. 143–153. Springer (2011).
  • 1.
    Freyne, J., Anand, S.S., Guy, I., Hotho, A.: 3rd workshop on recommender systems and the social web. In: Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems. pp. 383–384. ACM, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2011).
  • 1.
    Krohn, M., Klein, N., Jandt, S., Atzmueller, M., Scholz, C., Hoffmann, H., Kniewel, R., Evers, C.: Das Forschungszentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG). Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation. 34, 238–240 (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Towards Mining Semantic Maturity in Social Bookmarking Systems. In: Passant, A., Fernández, S., Breslin, J., and Bojārs, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2011) (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2011 International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2011)}. ECML/PKDD 2011, Athens, Greece (2011).
  • 1.
    Navarro Bullock, B., Jäschke, R., Hotho, A.: Tagging data as implicit feedback for learning-to-rank. In: Proceedings of the ACM WebSci’11 (2011).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Blohm, S., Cimiano, P., Giesbrecht, E., Hotho, A., Lösch, U., Mädche, A., Mönch, E., Sorg, P., Staab, S., Völker, J.: Combining Data-Driven and Semantic Approaches for Text Mining. In: Fensel, D. (ed.) Foundations for the Web of Information and Services. pp. 115–142. Springer (2011).
  • 1.
    Toepfer, M., Kluegl, P., Hotho, A., Puppe, F.: Segmentation of References with Skip-Chain Conditional Random Fields for Consistent Label Transitions. In: Workshop Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M.: Data Mining. In: McCarthy, P.M. and Boonthum, C. (eds.) Applied Natural Language Processing and Content Analysis: Advances in Identification, Investigation and Resolution. IGI Global (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Face-to-Face Contacts during LWA 2010 - Communities, Roles, and Key Players. In: Working Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation (2011).
  • 1.
    Ackermann, M.R., Blömer, J., Scholz, C.: Hardness and Non-Approximability of Bregman Clustering Problems. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC). 18, 20 (2011).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Doerfel, S., Hotho, A., Mitzlaff, F., Stumme, G.: Face-to-Face Contacts during a Conference: Communities, Roles, and Key Players. In: Proc. Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2011) at ECML/PKDD 2011 (2011).
  • 1.
    Burke, R., Gemmell, J., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R.: Recommendation in the Social Web. AI Magazine. 32, 46–56 (2011).


  • 1.
    Kluegl, P., Hotho, A., Puppe, F.: Local Adaptive Extraction of References. In: Dillmann, R., Beyerer, J., Hanebeck, U.D., and Schultz, T. (eds.) KI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 33rd Annual German Conference on AI. pp. 40–47. Springer (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Knauf, R., Bode, S., Farooq, Q.-U.-A., Riebisch, M. eds.: The IWK2010 Workshops: DERIS2010 and EMDT2010. Proceedings of the IWK2010 Workshops: International Workshop on Design, Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems (DERIS2010) and the First International Workshop on Evolution Support for Model-Based Development and Testing (EMDT2010). RWTH Aachen University (2010).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Krause, B., Mitzlaff, F., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: The Social Bookmark and Publication Management System {BibSonomy}. The VLDB Journal. 19, 849–875 (2010).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Bridging the Gap--Data Mining and Social Network Analysis for Integrating Semantic Web and Web 2.0. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. 8, 95–96 (2010). 10.1016/j.websem.2010.04.008.
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G., Halle, A., Lima, A.G.S., Steenweg, H., Stefani, S.: Academic Publication Management with PUMA - collect, organize and share publications. In: Lalmas, M., Jose, J., Rauber, A., Sebastiani, F., and Frommholz, I. (eds.) Proceedings of the European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) 2010. pp. 417–420. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2010).
  • 1.
    Körner, C., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Strohmaier, M., Stumme, G.: Social Bookmarking Systems: Verbosity Improves Semantics. In: Proceedings of INSNA Sunbelt XXX. , Riva del Garda Fierecongressi, Trento, Italy (2010).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Benz, D., Stumme, G., Hotho, A.: Visit me, click me, be my friend: an analysis of evidence networks of user relationships in BibSonomy. In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia. pp. 265–270. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: {Proceedings of the LWA 2010 - Lernen, Wissen, Adaptivität}. Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, Kassel University (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Roth-Berghofer, T.: The Mining and Analysis Continuum of Explaining Uncovered. In: Proc. 30th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2010) (2010).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Krause, B., Kolbe-Nusser, S.: Intelligent scientific authoring tools: interactive data mining for constructive uses of citation networks. Information Processing \& Management. 46, 1–10 (2010).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Benz, D., Eisterlehner, F., Jäschke, R., Krause, B., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: {Publikationsmanagement mit BibSonomy -- ein Social-Bookmarking-System für Wissenschaftler}. HMD -- Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Heft 271, 47–58 (2010).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Benz, D., Eisterlehner, F., J{ä}schke, R., Krause, B., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: {Publikationsmanagement mit BibSonomy -- ein Social-Bookmarking-System f{ü}r Wissenschaftler}. HMD -- Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Heft 271, 47–58 (2010).
  • 1.
    Körner, C., Benz, D., Strohmaier, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Stop Thinking, start Tagging - Tag Semantics emerge from Collaborative Verbosity. In: Proceedings of the 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2010). ACM, Raleigh, NC, USA (2010).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Krause, B., Stumme, G.: Query Logs as Folksonomies. Datenbank-Spektrum. 10, 15–24 (2010).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S.: The Scaffolding of a Formal Context. In: Kryszkiewicz, M. and Obiedkov, S. (eds.) Concept Lattices and Their Applications 2010 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications Sevilla, Spain, October 19-21, 2010. pp. 283–293. CEUR-WS (2010).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G., Halle, A., Lima-Gerlach, A.S., Steenweg, H., Stefani, S.: Academic Publication Management with PUMA - collect, organize and share publications. In: Proceedings of the 14. European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. pp. 417–420 (2010).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Semantics made by you and me: Self-emerging ontologies can capture the diversity of shared knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Web Science Conference (WebSci10). , Raleigh, NC, USA (2010).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmüller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Community Assessment using Evidence Networks. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE2010). , Barcelona, Spain (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Roth-Berghofer, T.: Towards Explanation-Aware Social Software: Applying the Mining and Analysis Continuum of Explaining. In: Proc. Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing ExaCt 2010 @ ECAI 2010 (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Roth-Berghofer, T.: Ready for the MACE? The Mining and Analysis Continuum of Explaining Uncovered. Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Hotho, A. eds.: {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2010)}. ECML/PKDD 2010, Barcelona, Spain (2010).
  • 1.
    Lemmerich, F., Rohlfs, M., Atzmueller, M.: Fast Discovery of Relevant Subgroup Patterns. In: Proc. 23rd FLAIRS Conference (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Beer, S.: Validation of Mixed-Structured Data Using Pattern Mining and Information Extraction. In: Proc. 55th IWK, International Workshop on Design, Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems (DERIS). University of Ilmenau (2010).
  • 1.
    Weiss, C., Atzmueller, M.: EWMA Control Charts for Monitoring Binary Processes with Applications to Medical Diagnosis Data. Quality and Reliability Engineering. (2010).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., {Ulslev Pedersen}, R., Wurst, M.: Ubiquitous Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 61–74 (2010).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Mitzlaff, F.: {Towards Mining Descriptive Community Patterns}. In: Workshop on Mining Patterns and Subgroups. Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. Awarded with the Best Discovery Award (2010).
  • 1.
    Toepfer, M., Kluegl, P., Hotho, A., Puppe., F.: Conditional Random Fields For Local Adaptive Reference Extraction. In: Atzmüller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., and Stumme, G. (eds.) Proceedings of LWA2010 - Workshop-Woche: Lernen, Wissen {\&} Adaptivitaet. , Kassel, Germany (2010).
  • 1.
    Kaempgen, B., Lemmerich, F., Atzmueller, M.: Decision-Maker-Aware Design of Descriptive Data Mining. In: Proc. 55th IWK, International Workshop on Design, Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems (DERIS) (2010).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Data Mining on Folksonomies. In: Armano, G., de Gemmis, M., Semeraro, G., and Vargiu, E. (eds.) Intelligent Information Access. pp. 57–82. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg (2010).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stützer, S., Stumme, G.: Semantics made by you and me: Self-emerging ontologies can capture the diversity of shared knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Web Science Conference (WebSci10). , Raleigh, NC, USA (2010).
  • 1.
    Lerch, H., Krause, B., Hotho, A., Roßnagel, A., Stumme, G.: Social Bookmarking-Systeme – die unerkannten Datensammler - Ungewollte personenbezogene Datenverabeitung?. MultiMedia und Recht. 7, 454–458 (2010).
  • 1.
    Krause, B., Lerch, H., Hotho, A., Roßnagel, A., Stumme, G.: Datenschutz im Web 2.0 am Beispiel des sozialen Tagging-Systems BibSonomy. Informatik-Spektrum. 1–12 (2010).
  • 1.
    Mitzlaff, F., Atzmueller, M., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Community Assessment using Evidence Networks. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE2010). , Barcelona, Spain (2010).


  • 1.
    Markines, B., Cattuto, C., Menczer, F., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Evaluating Similarity Measures for Emergent Semantics of Social Tagging. In: 18th International World Wide Web Conference. pp. 641–641 (2009).
  • 1.
    Voss, J., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R.: Mapping Bibliographic Records with Bibliographic Hash Keys. In: Kuhlen, R. (ed.) Information: Droge, Ware oder Commons?. Verlag Werner Hülsbusch (2009).
  • 1.
    Scholz, C.: Die Schwierigkeit des k-Median Clusterings für Bregman-Divergenzen, (2009).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Lemmerich, F., Krause, B., Hotho, A.: {Towards Understanding Spammers - Discovering Local Patterns for Concept Characterization and Description}. In: Knobbe, J.F.A. (ed.) Proc. LeGo-09: From Local Patterns to Global Models, Workshop at the 2009 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2009).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Benz, D., Grahl, M., Krause, B., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Social Bookmarking am Beispiel BibSonomy. In: Blumauer, A. and Pellegrini, T. (eds.) Social Semantic Web. pp. 363–391. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2009).
  • 1.
    Doerfel, S.: Gerüste Formaler Kontexte, (2009).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Lemmerich, F., Krause, B., Hotho, A.: Spammer Discrimination: Discovering Local Patterns for Concept Characterization and Description. In: Fürnkranz, J. and Knobbe, A. (eds.) Proc. LeGo-09: From Local Patterns to Global Models, Workshop at the 2009 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. , Bled, Slovenia (2009).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Eisterlehner, F., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Krause, B., Stumme, G.: Managing publications and bookmarks with BibSonomy. In: Cattuto, C., Ruffo, G., and Menczer, F. (eds.) HT ’09: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. pp. 323–324. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2009).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Eisterlehner, F., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Testing and Evaluating Tag Recommenders in a Live System. In: Benz, D. and Janssen, F. (eds.) Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. pp. 44–51 (2009).
  • 1.
    Eisterlehner, F., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R. eds.: ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2009 (DC09). (2009).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Krause, B., Kumar, G.P., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Characterizing Semantic Relatedness of Search Query Terms. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks (EIN2009). , Bled, Slovenia (2009).
  • 1.
    Atzmüller, M., Lemmerich, F., Krause, B., Hotho, A.: Who are the Spammers - Understandable Local Patterns for Concept Description. In: 7th Conference on Computer Methods and Systems. , Krakow, Poland (2009).
  • 1.
    Atzmueller, M., Lemmerich, F., Krause, B., Hotho, A.: Who are the Spammers? Understandable Local Patterns for Concept Description. In: 7th Conference on Computer Methods and Systems. , Krakow, Poland (2009).


  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Krause, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Logsonomy — A Search Engine Folksonomy. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media(ICWSM 2008). AAAI Press (2008).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Benz, D., Jäschke, R., Krause, B. eds.: ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2008 (RSDC’08). Workshop at 18th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML’08) / 11th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’08) (2008).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Schmitz, C., Ganter, B., Stumme, G.: Discovering Shared Conceptualizations in Folksonomies. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. 6, 38–53 (2008).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Marinho, L., Hotho, A., Schmidt-Thieme, L., Stumme, G.: Tag Recommendations in Social Bookmarking Systems. AI Communications. 21, 231–247 (2008).
  • 1.
    Krause, B., Schmitz, C., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: The Anti-Social Tagger - Detecting Spam in Social Bookmarking Systems. In: AIRWeb ’08: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web. pp. 61–68. ACM, Beijing, China (2008).
  • 1.
    Alani, H., Staab, S., Stumme, G. eds.: Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Social Web Communities. Schloss Dagstuhl (2008).
  • 1.
    Cattuto, C., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Semantic Analysis of Tag Similarity Measures in Collaborative Tagging Systems. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Ontology Learning and Population (OLP3). pp. 39–43. , Patras, Greece (2008).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Grobelnik, M., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Mladenic, D., Servedio, V.D.P., Sizov, S., Szomszor, M.: Analyzing Tag Semantics Across Collaborative Tagging Systems. In: Alani, H., Staab, S., and Stumme, G. (eds.) Social Web Communities. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany (2008).
  • 1.
    Bade, K., Benz, D.: Evaluation Strategies for Learning Algorithms of Hierarchical Structures. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the German Classification Society - Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence (GfKl 2008). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg (2008).
  • 1.
    Krause, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: A Comparison of Social Bookmarking with Traditional Search. In: Macdonald, C., Ounis, I., Plachouras, V., Ruthven, I., and White, R.W. (eds.) 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008. pp. 101–113. Springer, Glasgow, UK (2008).
  • 1.
    Stefani, S.: Entwicklung modularer, wiederverwendbarer Simulationsbausteine zur Unterstützung von Hardware-in-the-Loop Tests eingebetteter Systeme im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau,, (2008).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Social Bookmarking. In: Back, A., Gronau, N., and Tochtermann, K. (eds.) Web 2.0 in der Unternehmenspraxis: Grundlagen, Fallstudien und Trends zum Einsatz von Social Software. pp. 26–38. Oldenbourg Verlag, München (2008).
  • 1.
    Macek, B.-E.: Synopsen-Sharing zur effizienten Anfrageverarbeitung in Datenströmen. (2008).
  • 1.
    Illig, J.: Machine Learnability Analysis of Textclassifications in a Social Bookmarking Folksonomy, (2008).
  • 1.
    Krause, B., Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Logsonomy - Social Information Retrieval with Logdata. In: HT ’08: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. pp. 157–166. ACM, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2008).
  • 1.
    J{ä}schke, R., Hotho, A., Schmitz, C., Ganter, B., Stumme, G.: Discovering shared conceptualizations in folksonomies. Web Semant. 6, 38–53 (2008).
  • 1.
    Brulic, S., Brulic, S., Deppe, P., Eschweiler, D., Etemadi, R., Herbold, K., Konersmann, C., Meiche, R., Scholz, C., Timm, N., Uckermann, A., Weber, E., Zorn, R.C.: CSI: PC2 - A High Performance Biometrie System. In: Informatiktage. pp. 209–212. GI (2008).
  • 1.
    Völker, J., Vrandečić, D., Sure, Y., Hotho, A.: AEON - An approach to the automatic evaluation of ontologies. Applied Ontology. 3, 41–62 (2008).
  • 1.
    May, M., Berendt, B., Cornuéjols, A., Gama, J., Giannotti, F., Hotho, A., Malerba, D., Menesalvas, E., Morik, K., Pedersen, R., Saitta, L., Saygin, Y., Schuster, A., Vanhoof, K.: Research Challenges in Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery. In: Next Generation of Data Mining (Chapman & Hall/Crc Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series). Chapman & Hall/CRC (2008).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Glance, N., Hotho, A. eds.: Wikis, Blogs, Bookmarking Tools - Mining the Web 2.0 Workshop. Workshop at 18th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML’08) / 11th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’08) (2008).
  • 1.
    Cattuto, C., Benz, D., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: {Semantic Grounding of Tag Relatedness in Social Bookmarking Systems}. In: Sheth, A., Staab, S., Dean, M., Paolucci, M., Maynard, D., Finin, T., and Thirunarayan, K. (eds.) The Semantic Web - ISWC 2008. pp. 615–631. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (2008).\_39.


  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Mining the World Wide Web. Künstliche Intelligenz. 5–8 (2007).
  • 1.
    Catutto, C., Schmitz, C., Baldassarri, A., Servedio, V.D.P., Loreto, V., Hotho, and A., Grahl, M., Stumme, G.: Network Properties of Folksonomies. AI Communications Journal, Special Issue on "Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering". (2007).
  • 1.
    Jaeschke, R., Marinho, L., Hotho, A., Schmidt-Thieme, L., Stumme, G.: Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies. In: Hinneburg, A. (ed.) Workshop Proceedings of Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität (LWA 2007). pp. 13–20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2007).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C.: Self-Organized Collaborative Knowledge Management,, (2007).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Hotho, A.: Position Paper: Ontology Learning from Folksonomies. In: Hinneburg, A. (ed.) Workshop Proceedings of Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität (LWA 2007). pp. 109–112. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2007).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Marinho, L., Hotho, A., Schmidt-Thieme, L., Stumme, G.: Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies. In: Hinneburg, A. (ed.) Workshop Proceedings of Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität (LWA 2007). pp. 13–20. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2007).
  • 1.
    Grahl, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmark Sites. In: Hinneburg, A. (ed.) Workshop Proceedings of Lernen -- Wissensentdeckung -- Adaptivität (LWA 2007). pp. 50–54. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (2007).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Analysis of the Publication Sharing Behaviour in {BibSonomy}. In: Priss, U., Polovina, S., and Hill, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2007). pp. 283–295. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2007).
  • 1.
    Völker, J., Vrandecic, D., Sure, Y., Hotho, A.: {Learning Disjointness}. In: Franconi, E., Kifer, M., and May, W. (eds.) Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2007. Springer-Verlag (2007).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Grahl, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G., Catutto, C., Baldassarri, A., Loreto, V., Servedio, V.D.P.: Network Properties of Folksonomies. In: Proc. WWW2007 Workshop ``Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization’’. , Banff (2007).
  • 1.
    Cattuto, C., Schmitz, C., Baldassarri, A., Servedio, V.D.P., Loreto, V., Hotho, A., Grahl, M., Stumme, G.: Network Properties of Folksonomies. AI Communications Journal, Special Issue on ``Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering’’. 20, 245–262 (2007).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Tso, K.H.L., Schmidt-Thieme, L.: Supporting Collaborative Hierarchical Classification: Bookmarks as an Example. Special Issue of the Computer Networks journal on Innovations in Web Communications Infrastructure. 51, 4574–4585 (2007).
  • 1.
    Alani, H., Noy, N., Stumme, G., Mika, P., Sure, Y., Vrandecic, D. eds.: Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge (CKC 2007) at WWW 2007. , Banff, Canada (2007).
  • 1.
    Cao, Y., Ehms, K., Fiedler, S., Hofer, M., Kaiamo, A.-K., Kieslinger, B., Klamma, R., Krause, B., Kravcik, M., Ryyppö, T., Spaniol, M., Stumme, G., Wild, F.: Case study on social software use in distributed working environments,, (2007).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Mining the World Wide Web --- Methods, Applications, and Perspectives. Künstliche Intelligenz. 5–8 (2007).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Themenheft Web Mining, Künstliche Intelligenz. (2007).
  • 1.
    Chen, L., Cudré-Mauroux, P., Haase, P., Hotho, A., Ong, E. eds.: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution, ESOE 2007, co-located with ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea, November 12th, 2007. (2007).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., Semeraro, G. eds.: From Web to Social Web: Discovering and Deploying User and Content Profiles. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2007).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Grahl, M., Hotho, A., Krause, B., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Organizing Publications and Bookmarks in BibSonomy. In: Alani, H., Noy, N., Stumme, G., Mika, P., Sure, Y., and Vrandecic, D. (eds.) Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge (CKC 2007) at WWW 2007. , Banff, Canada (2007).
  • 1.
    Eckert, K., Stuckenschmidt, H., Pfeffer, M.: {Interactive Thesaurus Assessment for Automatic Document Annotation}. In: {Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2007), Whistler, Canada} (2007).
  • 1.
    Grahl, M., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Conceptual Clustering of Social Bookmarking Sites. In: 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW ’07). pp. 356–364. Know-Center, Graz, Austria (2007).


  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., Semeraro, G. eds.: Workshop on Web Mining 2006 (WebMine). (2006).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases using Graph Clustering. In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference. pp. 530–544. Springer, Budva, Montenegro (2006).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Schmitz, C., Ganter, B., Stumme, G.: TRIAS - An Algorithm for Mining Iceberg Tri-Lattices. In: Proc. 6th ICDM conference. , Hong Kong (2006).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Emergent Semantics in BibSonomy. In: Hochberger, C. and Liskowsky, R. (eds.) Informatik 2006 - Informatik für Menschen. pp. 305–312. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (2006).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Löser, A.: How to model Semantic Peer-to-Peer Overlays?. In: Proc. P2PIR Workshop, Informatik 2006. , Dresden (2006).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: Mining Association Rules in Folksonomies. In: Proc. IFCS 2006 Conference. , Ljubljana (2006).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: {BibSonomy}: A Social Bookmark and Publication Sharing System. In: de Moor, A., Polovina, S., and Delugach, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop at the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures. Aalborg University Press, Aalborg, Denmark (2006).
  • 1.
    Hoser, B., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Semantic Network Analysis of Ontologies. In: Sure, Y. and Domingue, J. (eds.) The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. pp. 514–529. Springer, Heidelberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases using Graph Clustering. In: Sure, Y. and Domingue, J. (eds.) The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. pp. 530–544. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Information Retrieval in Folksonomies: Search and Ranking. In: Sure, Y. and Domingue, J. (eds.) The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. pp. 411–426. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R., Hotho, A., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Wege zur Entdeckung von Communities in Folksonomies. In: Braß, S. and Hinneburg, A. (eds.) Proc. 18. Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken. pp. 80–84. Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Trend Detection in Folksonomies. In: Avrithis, Y.S., Kompatsiaris, Y., Staab, S., and O’Connor, N.E. (eds.) Proc. First International Conference on Semantics And Digital Media Technology (SAMT). pp. 56–70. Springer, Heidelberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Cimiano, P., Hotho, A.: Learning Ontologies to Improve Text Clustering and Classification. In: From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering. pp. 334–341. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Stumme, G.: Kollaboratives Wissensmanagement. In: Pellegrini, T. and Blumauer, A. (eds.) Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft. pp. 273–290. Springer (2006).
  • 1.
    Benz, D., Tso, K.H.L., Schmidt-Thieme, L.: Automatic Bookmark Classification - A Collaborative Approach. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop in Innovations in Web Infrastructure (IWI2) at WWW2006. , Edinburgh, Scotland (2006).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Hotho, A., Berendt, B.: Semantic Web Mining - State of the Art and Future Directions. Journal of Web Semantics. 4, 124–143 (2006).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Hotho, A.: Boosting for Text Classification with Semantic Features. (2006).
  • 1.
    Ackermann, M., Berendt, B., Grobelnik, M., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., Semeraro, G., Spiliopoulou, M., Stumme, G., Svatek, V., van Someren, M. eds.: Semantics, Web and Mining. Springer, Heidelberg (2006).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: FolkRank: A Ranking Algorithm for Folksonomies. In: Proc. FGIR 2006 (2006).
  • 1.
    Macek, K.H.N.B.-E.: Äquivalenzbetrachtungen zu den Klassen N und NC, (2006).
  • 1.
    Haase, P., Ehrig, M., Hotho, A., Schnizler, B.: Personalized Information Access in a Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System. In: Staab, S. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (eds.) Peer-to-Peer and SemanticWeb, Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information. pp. 143–158. Springer (2006).
  • 1.
    Alani, H., Hoser, B., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G. eds.: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis. (2006).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., J�schke, R., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Information Retrieval in Folksonomies: Search and Ranking. In: Sure, Y. and Domingue, J. (eds.) The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. pp. 411–426. Springer, Heidelberg (2006).


  • 1.
    Lakhal, L., Stumme, G.: Efficient Mining of Association Rules Based on Formal Concept Analysis. In: Ganter, B., Stumme, G., and Wille, R. (eds.) Formal Concept Analysis: Foundations and Applications. pp. 180–195. Springer, Heidelberg (2005).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Cimiano, P., Hotho, A., Staab, S.: An Ontology-based Framework for Text Mining. LDV Forum - GLDV Journal for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. 20, 87–112 (2005).
  • 1.
    Dau, F., Mugnier, M.-L., Stumme, G. eds.: Conceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge, 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2005, Kassel, Germany, July 17-22, 2005, Proceedings. Springer (2005).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Nürnberger, A., Paaß, G.: A Brief Survey of Text Mining. LDV Forum - GLDV Journal for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. 20, 19–62 (2005).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C.: Towards Self-Organizing Communities in Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management. In: Proc. ESWC 2005 Workshop on Ontologies in Peer-to-Peer Communities. , Heraklion, Greece (2005).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C.: Towards Content Aggregation on Knowledge Bases through Graph Clustering. In: Braß, S. and Goldberg, C. (eds.) Proc. 17. GI-Workshop ``Grundlagen von Datenbanken’’. , Wörlitz (2005).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Hoser, B., Schmitz, C., Alani, H. eds.: ISWC 2005 Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis. , Galway, Ireland (2005).
  • 1.
    Haase, P., Schmitz, C., Sure, Y. eds.: Ontologies in Peer-to-Peer Communities. , Heraklion, Greece (2005).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Buntine, W., Hotho, A. eds.: Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning in Web Search (LWS 2005). (2005).
  • 1.
    Stefani, S.: Rechtliche Aspekte und Implementierung eines Benachrichtigungssystems für Nutzer von Bibliotheken,, (2005).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: A Finite State Model for On-Line Analytical Processing in Triadic Contexts. In: Ganter, B. and Godin, R. (eds.) Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Formal Concept Analysis. pp. 315–328. Springer, Heidelberg (2005).
  • 1.
    Jäschke, R.: Die Struktur der Monoide binärer Relationen auf endlichen Mengen,, (2005).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Ontology Merging with Formal Concept Analysis. In: Kalfoglou, Y., Schorlemmer, W.M., Sheth, A.P., Staab, S., and Uschold, M. (eds.) Semantic Interoperability and Integration. IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany (2005).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Semantic Web Mining and the Representation, Analysis, and Evolution of Web Space. In: Svatek, V. and Snasel, V. (eds.) Proc. of the 1st Intl. Workshop on Representation and Analysis of Web Space. pp. 1–16. Technical University of Ostrava (2005).
  • 1.
    Ganter, B., Stumme, G., Wille, R. eds.: Formal Concept Analysis: Foundations and Applications. Springer (2005).
  • 1.
    Pasquier, N., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Stumme, G., Lakhal, L.: Generating a Condensed Representation for Association Rules. Journal Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS). 24, 29–60 (2005).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Text Clustern mit Hintergrundwissen (Dissertationsbeschreibung). Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). 1, 62–64 (2005).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., Semerano, G., Spiliopoulou, M., Stumme, G., van Someren, M. eds.: Proc. of the European Web Mining Forum 2005. (2005).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Hoser, B., Schmitz, C., Alani, H. eds.: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis. CEUR Proceedings, Aachen (2005).
  • 1.
    Hitzler, P., Lutz, C., Stumme, G. eds.: Foundational Aspects of Ontologies. Universität Koblenz-Landau (2005).
  • 1.
    Haase, P., Hotho, A., Schmidt-Thieme, L., Sure, Y.: Collaborative and Usage-Driven Evolution of Personal Ontologies. In: G{ó}mez-P{é}rez, A. and Euzenat, J. (eds.) ESWC. pp. 486–499. Springer (2005).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Conceptual Knowledge Processing (Invited Talk). In: Collard, M. and Cavarero, J.-L. (eds.) Ontologies-based techniques for DataBases and Information Systems. p. 5. , Trondheim (2005).
  • 1.
    Cimiano, P., Hotho, A., Staab, S.: Learning Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora using Formal Concept Analysis. Journal on Artificial Intelligence Research. 24, 305–339 (2005).
  • 1.
    Dau, F., Mugnier, M.-L., Stumme, G. eds.: Contributions to ICCS 2005. kassel university press, Kassel (2005).


  • 1.
    Nejdl, W., Wolpers, M., Siberski, W., Schmitz, C., Schlosser, M., Brunkhorst, I., Löser, A.: Super-Peer-Based Routing Strategies for {RDF}-Based Peer-to-Peer Networks. Journal of Web Semantics. Special issue WWW 2003, (2004).
  • 1.
    Mobasher, B., Anand, S.S., Berendt, B., Hotho, A. eds.: Semantic Web Personalization. (2004).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Staab, S., Tempich, C.: Socialisation in Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management. In: Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-Know 2004). , Graz, Austria (2004).
  • 1.
    Haase, P., Ehrig, M., Hotho, A., Schnizler, B.: Personalized Information Access in a Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Semantic Web Personalization, 2004. pp. 1–12. AAAI Press (2004).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C.: Self-Organization of a Small World by Topic. In: Proc. 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management. , Boston, MA (2004).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Hotho, A.: Boosting for Text Classification with Semantic Features. In: Proceedings of the MSW 2004 workshop at the 10th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. pp. 70–87 (2004).
  • 1.
    Cimiano, P., Hotho, A., Staab, S.: Clustering Ontologies from Text. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Languages Resources and Evaluation (LREC). ELRA - European Language Ressources Association, Lisbon, Portugal (2004).
  • 1.
    Ehrig, M., Hartmann, J., Schmitz, C.: {O}ntologie-basiertes {W}eb {M}ining. In: Workshop ``Semantische Technologien für Informationsportale’’ (GI-Jahrestagung 2004). Gesellschaft für Informatik (2004).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Hotho, A.: Boosting for Text Classification with Semantic Features (reprint). In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval (TIR-04) at the 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2004).
  • 1.
    Cimiano, P., Hotho, A., Staab, S.: Learning Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora using Formal Concept Analysis. Institute AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (2004).
  • 1.
    Bloehdorn, S., Hotho, A.: Text Classification by Boosting Weak Learners based on Terms and Concepts. In: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. pp. 331–334. IEEE Computer Society Press (2004).
  • 1.
    Tane, J., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G.: Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An ELearning Application. In: Proc. 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004). , New York (2004).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Sure, Y., Getoor, L.: A workshop report: mining for and from the Semantic Web at KDD 2004. SIGKDD Explorations. 6, 142–143 (2004).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., van Someren, M., Spiliopoulou, M., Stumme, G. eds.: Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web, First European Web Mining Forum, EMWF 2003, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 22, 2003, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. Springer, Heidelberg (2004).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Clustern mit Hintergrundwissen, (2004).
  • 1.
    Cimiano, P., Hotho, A., Stumme, G., Tane, J.: Conceptual Knowledge Processing with Formal Concept Analysis and Ontologies. In: Eklund, P. (ed.) Concept Lattices. pp. 189–207. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg (2004).
  • 1.
    Schmidt-Thieme, L., Stumme, G., Rusnak, U., Eberhart, A. eds.: Semantische Technologien für Informationsportale. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (2004).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., van Someren, M., Spiliopoulou, M., Stumme, G.: A Roadmap for Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web. In: Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., van Someren, M., Spiliopoulou, M., and Stumme, G. (eds.) Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web. pp. 1–22. Springer, Heidelberg (2004).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Iceberg Query Lattices for Datalog. In: Wolff, K.E., Pfeiffer, H.D., and Delugach, H.S. (eds.) Conceptual Structures at Work: 12th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2004). pp. 109–125. Springer, Heidelberg (2004).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., van Someren, M., Spiliopoulou, M., Stumme, G. eds.: Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web. Springer, Heidelberg (2004).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Usage Mining for and on the Semantic Web. In: Kargupta, H., Joshi, A., Sivakumar, K., and Yesha, Y. (eds.) Data Mining Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions. pp. 461–481. AAAI Press, Boston (2004).
  • 1.
    Cimiano, P., Hotho, A., Staab, S.: Comparing Conceptual, Divise and Agglomerative Clustering for Learning Taxonomies from Text. In: de M{á}ntaras, R.L. and Saitta, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’04). pp. 435–439. IOS Press, Valencia, Spain (2004).
  • 1.
    Maedche, A., Sattler, K.-U., Stumme, G. eds.: Information Integration and Mining in Databases and on the Web. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Databases, Documents, and Information Fusion (DBFusion 2002). , Aachen (2004).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Sure, Y., Getoor, L. eds.: International Workshop on Mining for and from the Semantic Web (MSW2004). (2004).


  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Staab, S., Stumme, G.: Text Clustering Based on Background Knowledge. University of Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB (2003).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Ehrig, M., Handschuh, S., Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Motik, B., Oberle, D., Schmitz, C., Staab, S., Stojanovic, L., Stojanovic, N., Studer, R., Sure, Y., Volz, R., Zacharias, V.: The {K}arlsruhe view on ontologies. University of Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB (2003).
  • 1.
    Studer, R., Stumme, G., Handschuh, S., Hotho, A., Motik, B.: Building and Using the Semantic Web. In: New Trends in Knowledge Processing -- Data Mining, Semantic Web and Computational. pp. 31–34. , Osaka, Japan (2003).
  • 1.
    Nejdl, W., Wolpers, M., Siberski, W., Schmitz, C., Schlosser, M., Brunkhorst, I., Löser, A.: Super-Peer-Based Routing and Clustering Strategies for {RDF}-Based Peer-To-Peer Networks. In: Proceedings of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference. , Budapest (2003).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Off to New Shores -- Conceptual Knowledge Discovery and Processing. Intl. J. Human-Comuter Studies (IJHCS). 59, 287–325 (2003).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Mladenic, D., van Someren, M., Spiliopoulou, M., Stumme, G. eds.: Proceedings of the 1st European Web Mining Forum (EWMF 2003). Workshop at the 14th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML’03) / 7th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’03), Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia (2003).
  • 1.
    Tane, J., Schmitz, C., Stumme, G., Staab, S., Studer, R.: The Courseware Watchdog: an Ontology-based tool for finding and organizing learning material. In: David, K. and Wegner, L. (eds.) Mobiles Lernen und Forschen - Beiträge der Fachtagung an der Universität. pp. 93–104. Kassel University Press (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Lehren -- Lernen -- Wissen -- Adaptivit{ä}t (LLWA 2003). , Universit{ä}t Karlsruhe (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Lehren -- Lernen -- Wissen -- Adaptivität. Workshopwoche der GI-Fachgruppen/Arbeitskreise FGML, FGWM, ABIS, AKKD. , Universität Karlsruhe (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Staab, S., Stumme, G.: Ontologies improve text document clustering. In: Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. pp. 541–544 (Poster. IEEE {C}omputer {S}ociety, Melbourne, Florida (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Staab, S., Stumme, G.: Explaining Text Clustering Results using Semantic Structures. In: Lavra\v{c}, N., Gamberger, D., and Todorovski, H.B. (eds.) Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2003, 7th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. pp. 217–228. Springer, Heidelberg (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Lehren -- Lernen -- Wissen -- Adaptivit{{ä}}t (LLWA 2003). , Universit{{ä}}t Karlsruhe (2003).
  • 1.
    Lauser, B., Hotho, A.: Automatic multi-label subject indexing in a multilingual environment. In: Proc. of the 7th European Conference in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2003. pp. 140–151. Springer (2003).
  • 1.
    Cole, R.J., Eklund, P.W., Stumme, G.: Document Retrieval for Email Search and Discovery using Formal Concept Analysis. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI). 17, 257–280 (2003).
  • 1.
    Oberle, D., Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Gonzalez, J.: Conceptual User Tracking. In: Ruiz, E.M., Segovia, J., and Szczepaniak, P.S. (eds.) Advances in Web Intelligence, First International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2003, Madrid, Spain, May 5-6, 2003, Proceedings. pp. 142–154. Springer (2003).
  • 1.
    Reimer, U., Abecker, A., Staab, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Professionelles Wissensmanagement -- Erfahrungen und Visionen. Proc. WM 2003. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (2003).
  • 1.
    Stefani, S., Adamczak, W.: A web based conference tool developed with SeSAMe,, (2003).
  • 1.
    Staab, S., Hotho, A.: Ontology-based Text Document Clustering. In: Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Proceedings of the International IIS: IIPWM’03 Conference held in Zakopane. pp. 451–452 (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G., Studer, R., Volz, R.: Semantic Web -- State of the Art and Future Directions. Künstliche Intelligenz. 5–9 (2003).
  • 1.
    Ganter, B., Stumme, G.: Creation and Merging of Ontology Top-Levels. In: de Moor, A., Lex, W., and Ganter, B. (eds.) Conceptual Structures for Knowledge Creation and Communication. pp. 131–145. Springer, Heidelberg (2003).
  • 1.
    Hereth, J., Stumme, G., Wille, R., Wille, U.: Conceptual Knowledge Discovery - a Human-Centered Approach. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI). 17, 281–301 (2003).
  • 1.
    Agarwal, S., Fankhauser, P., Gonzalez-Ollala, J., Hartmann, J., Hollfelder, S., Jameson, A., Klink, S., Lehti, P., Ley, M., Rabbidge, E., Schwarzkopf, E., Shrestha, N., Stojanovic, N., Studer, R., Stumme, G., Walter, B.: Semantic Methods and Tools for Information Portals. In: Dittrich, K., König, W., Oberweis, A., Rannenberg, K., and Wahlster, W. (eds.) INFORMATIK 2003 -- Innovative Informatikanwendungen (Band 1). pp. 116–131. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Staab, S., Stumme, G.: WordNet improves text document clustering. In: Proc. of the SIGIR 2003 Semantic Web Workshop. , Toronto, Canada (2003).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Staab, S., Zacharias, V.: On Knowledgeable Unsupervised Text Mining. In: Text Mining. pp. 131–152 (2003).
  • 1.
    Ehrig, M., Schmitz, C., Staab, S., Tane, J., Tempich, C.: Towards Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer-based Distributed Information Management Systems. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management (AMKM-03). , Stanford (2003).


  • 1.
    Fernandez-Lopez, M., Gomez-Perez, A., Euzenat, J., Gangemi, A., Kalfoglou, Y., Pisanelli, D., Schorlemmer, M., Steve, G., Stojanovic, L., Stumme, G., Sure, Y.: A survey on methodologies for developing, maintaining, integration, evaluation and reengineering ontologies. Universidad Politecnia de Madrid (2002).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Semantic Web Mining. Proc. of the Semantic Web Mining Workshop of the 13th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML’02) / 6th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’02). , Helsinki, Finland (2002).
  • 1.
    Ganter, B., Stumme, G.: Creation and Merging of Ontology Top-Levels. In: Maedche, A., Sattler, K.-U., and Stumme, G. (eds.) Information Integration and Mining in Databases and on the Web. pp. 37–52. , Karlsruhe (2002).
  • 1.
    Duquenne, V., Ganter, B., Liquiere, M., Nguifo, E.M., Stumme, G. eds.: Advances in Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Proc. Workshop FCAKDD of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002). , Lyon, France (2002).
  • 1.
    Becker, P., Hereth, J., Stumme, G.: Toscana{J}: An Open Source Tool for Qualitative Data Analysis. In: Duquenne, V., Ganter, B., Liquiere, M., Nguifo, E.M., and Stumme, G. (eds.) Advances in Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery in Databases. pp. 1–2. , Lyon, France (2002).
  • 1.
    Gonzalez-Olalla, J., Stumme, G.: Semantic Methods and Tools for Information Portals - The {S}em{IP}ort Project (Project Description). In: Berendt, B., Hotho, A., and Stumme, G. (eds.) Semantic Web Mining. Proc. of the Semantic Web Mining Workshop of the 13th Europ. Conf. p. 90. , Helsinki (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Efficient Data Mining Based on Formal Concept Analysis. In: Hameurlain, A., Cicchetti, R., and Traunmüller, R. (eds.) Database and Expert Systems Applications. Proc. DEXA 2002. pp. 534–546. Springer, Heidelberg (2002).
  • 1.
    Ehrig, M., Handschuh, S., Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Motik, B., Oberle, D., Schmitz, C., Staab, S., Stojanovic, L., Stojanovic, N., Studer, R., Stumme, G., Sure, Y., Tane, J., Volz, R., Zacharias, V.: {KAON} - Towards a large scale {S}emantic {W}eb. In: Bauknecht, K., Tjoa, A.M., and Quirchmayr, G. (eds.) Proc. E-Commerce and Web Technologies, Third International Conference, EC-Web 2002. Springer, Aix-en-Provence %, France (2002).
  • 1.
    Hartmann, J., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Semantic Web Mining for Building Information Portals (Position Paper). In: Proc. Arbeitskreistreffen Knowledge Discovery. , Oldenburg (2002).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C., Staab, S., Studer, R., Stumme, G., Tane, J.: Accessing Distributed Learning Repositories through a {C}ourseware {W}atchdog. In: Proc. E-Learn 2002: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, \& Higher Education. , Montreal (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Berendt, B., Hotho, A.: Usage Mining for and on the Semantic Web. In: Proc. NSF Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining. pp. 77–86. , Baltimore (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: E-{L}earning: vom {N}ürnberger {T}richter zum weltweiten {N}etz. Karlsruher Transfer. 27, 14–17 (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Pasquier, N., Lakhal, L.: Computing iceberg concept lattices with TITANIC. Data \& Knowledge Engineering. 42, 189–222 (2002).
  • 1.
    Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Pasquier, N., Stumme, G., Lakhal, L.: Pascal: un alogorithme d’extraction des motifs fréquents. Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI). 21, 65–95 (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Formal Concept Analysis on its Way from Mathematics to Computer Science. In: Priss, U., Corbett, D., and Angelova, G. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Integration and Interfaces. pp. 2–19. Springer, Heidelberg (2002).
  • 1.
    Bozsak, E., Ehrig, M., Handschuh, S., Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Motik, B., Oberle, D., Schmitz, C., Staab, S., Stojanovic, L., Stojanovic, N., Studer, R., Stumme, G., Sure, Y., Tane, J., Volz, R., Zacharias, V.: KAON - Towards a Large Scale Semantic Web. In: Bauknecht, K., Tjoa, A.M., and Quirchmayr, G. (eds.) E-Commerce and Web Technologies, Third International Conference, EC-Web 2002, Proceedings. pp. 304–313. Springer, Aix-en-Provence, France (2002).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Staab, S.: Text Clustering Based on Good Aggregations. K{{ü}}nstliche Intelligenz (KI). 16, 48–54 (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Using Ontologies and Formal Concept Analysis for Organizing Business Knowledge. In: Becker, J. and Knackstedt, R. (eds.) Wissensmanagement mit Referenzmodellen -- Konzepte für die Anwendungssystem- und Organisationsgestaltung. pp. 163–174. Physica, Heidelberg (2002).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Towards Semantic Web Mining. In: Horrocks, I. and Hendler, J. (eds.) The Semantic Web -- ISWC 2002. pp. 264–278. Springer, Heidelberg (2002).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Pasqier, N., Lakhal, L.: Computing Iceberg Concept Lattices with {Titanic}. {J.} Data and KnowledgeEngineering (DKE). 42, 189–222 (2002).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Staab, S., Zacharias, V.: On Knowledgeable Unsupervised Text Mining. In: Proc. of Text Mining Workshop (2002).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Stumme, G.: Conceptual Clustering of Text Clusters. In: Proceedings of FGML Workshop. pp. 37–45. Special Interest Group of German Informatics Society (FGML --- Fachgruppe Maschinelles Lernen der GI e.V.) (2002).
  • 1.
    Berendt, B., Hotho, A., Stumme, G. eds.: Semantic Web Mining. Workshop at 13th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML’02) / 6th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’02), Helsinki (2002).


  • 1.
    Gronau, N., Stumme, G. eds.: Methoden und Techniken der Wissensverarbeitung. Workshop der 1. Tagung Professionelles Wissensmanagement -- Erfahrungen und Visionen. Shaker, Aachen (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Pasquier, N., Lakhal, L.: Intelligent Structuring and Reducing of Association Rules and with Formal Concept Analysis. In: Baader, F., Brewker, G., and Eiter, T. (eds.) KI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. KI 2001. pp. 335–350. Springer, Heidelberg (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Maedche, A.: Ontology Merging for Federated Ontologies for the Semantic Web. In: Franconi, E., Barker, K., and Calvanese, D. (eds.) Proc. Intl. Workshop on Foundations of Models for Information Integration (FMII’01) (2001).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Analyse von {W}ettbewerbsverlusten im {T}elekommunikationsmarkt und mögliche {G}egenmaßnahmen. AIFB (2001).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Staab, S.: Ontology-based Text Clustering. In: Proc. of the Workshop ``Text Learning: Beyond Supervision’’ at IJCAI 2001. Seattle, WA, USA, August 6, 2001 (2001).
  • 1.
    Hereth, J., Stumme, G.: Reverse Pivoting in Conceptual Information Systems. In: Delugach, H. and Stumme, G. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Broadening the Base. pp. 202–215. Springer, Heidelberg (2001).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Staab, S.: Text Clustering Based on Good Aggregations. In: ICDM ’01: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. pp. 607–608. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Maedche, A.: {FCA}-{M}erge: Bottom-Up Merging of Ontologies. In: Nebel, B. (ed.) Proc. 17th Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’01). pp. 225–230. , Seattle, WA, USA (2001).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Staab, S., Studer, R.: {SEAL-II} --- The Soft Spot between Richly Structured and Unstructured Knowledge. Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS). 7, 566–590 (2001).
  • 1.
    Delugach, H., Stumme, G. eds.: Conceptual Structures -- Broadening the Base. Proc. 9th International Conference on Conceptual Structures. Springer, Heidelberg (2001).
  • 1.
    Schnurr, H.P., Staab, S., Studer, R., Stumme, G., Sure, Y. eds.: Professionelles Wissensmanagement -- Erfahrungen und Visionen. Proc. WM ’01. Shaker, Aachen (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Hotho, A., Berendt, B. eds.: Semantic Web Mining. Workshop at 12th Europ. Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML’01) / 5th Europ. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’01), Freiburg (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Hotho, A., Berendt, B. eds.: Semantic Web Mining. Workshop Proceedings. , Freiburg (2001).
  • 1.
    Schmitz, C.: {U}ntersuchung der {G}raphstruktur von {W}eb-{C}ommunities am {B}eispiel der {I}nformatik,, (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Lakhal, L.: Conceptual Clustering with Iceberg Concept Lattices. In: Klinkenberg, R., Rüping, S., Fick, A., Henze, N., Herzog, C., Molitor, R., and Schröder, O. (eds.) Proc. GI-Fachgruppentreffen Maschinelles Lernen (FGML’01). , Universität Dortmund 763 (2001).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Maedche, A., Staab, S. eds.: Ontologies. CEUR Proceedings, Aachen (2001).


  • 1.
    Eklund, P., Groh, B., Stumme, G., Wille, R.: Contextual-Logic Extension of TOSCANA. In: Ganter, B. and Mineau, G.W. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational. pp. 453–467. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Wille, R. eds.: Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung -- Methoden und Anwendungen. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Pasquier, N., Lakhal, L.: Fast computation of concept lattices using data mining techniques. In: Proc. 7th Intl. Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases. CEUR-Workshop Proceeding., Berlin (2000).
  • 1.
    Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Pasquier, N., Stumme, G., Lakhal, L.: Levelwise Search of Frequent Patterns. In: Actes des 16ièmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées. pp. 307–322. Blois, France (2000).
  • 1.
    Maedche, A., Hotho, A., Wiese, M.: Enhancing Preprocessing in Data-Intensive Domains using Online-Analytical Processing. In: Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, Second International Conference, DaWaK 2000, London, UK. pp. 258–264. Springer (2000).
  • 1.
    Adamczak, W., Begemann, H., Stefani, S.: Research Report Online as Portal to a Wider CRIS,, (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Studer, R., Sure, Y.: Towards an Order-Theoretical Foundation for Maintaining and Merging Ontologies. In: Bodendorf, F. and Grauer, M. (eds.) Verbundtagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2000. pp. 136–149. Shaker, Aachen (2000).
  • 1.
    Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Pasquier, N., Stumme, G., Lakhal, L.: Mining Frequent Patterns with Counting Inference. SIGKDD Explorations, Special Issue on Scalable Algorithms. 2, 71–80 (2000).
  • 1.
    Cole, R., Eklund, P., Stumme, G.: {CEM} -- A Program for Visualization and Discovery in Email. In: Zighed, D., Komorowski, J., and Zytkow, J. (eds.) Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Proc. PKDD 2000. pp. 367–374. Springer, Heidelberg-Berlin (2000).
  • 1.
    Hereth, J., Stumme, G., Wille, R., Wille, U.: Conceptual Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis. In: Ganter, B. and Mineau, G.W. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues. Proc. ICCS ’00. pp. 421–437. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G. ed.: Working with Conceptual Structures -- Contributions to ICCS 2000. Suppl. Proc. 8th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2000). Shaker, Aachen (2000).
  • 1.
    Staab, S., Angele, J., Decker, S., Erdmann, M., Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Schnurr, H.-P., Studer, R., Sure, Y.: Semantic Community Web Portals. In: WWW9 --- Proceedings of the 9th International World Wide Web Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 473–491. Elsevier (2000).
  • 1.
    Göbel, S., Heidemann, M., Jasnoch, U., Stumme, G.: Einsatz von {GIS} und {F}ormaler {B}egriffsanalyse in {A}ltlasten-{I}nformationssystemen. In: Tochtermann, K. and Riekert, W.-F. (eds.) Hypermedia im Umweltschutz. 3. Workshop in Ulm 2000. pp. 169–179. , Marburg (2000).
  • 1.
    Cole, R., Stumme, G.: {CEM} - A Conceptual Email Manager. In: Ganter, B. and Mineau, G.W. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues. Proc. ICCS ’00. pp. 438–452. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: 8th {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}onceptual {S}tructures. {C}onference {R}eport. Knowledge Organization. 27, 162 (2000).
  • 1.
    Staab, S., Angele, J., Decker, S., Hotho, A., Maedche, A., Schnurr, H.-P., Studer, R., Sure, Y.: AI for the Web - Ontology-based Community Web Portals. In: AAAI 2000/IAAI 2000 - Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 12th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, Austin/TX, USA, July 30-August 3, 2000. AAAI Press/MIT Press (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Conceptual {O}n-{L}ine {A}nalytical {P}rocessing. In: Tanaka, K., Ghandeharizadeh, S., and Kambayashi, Y. (eds.) Information Organization and Databases. pp. 191–203. Kluwer, Boston-Dordrecht-London (2000).
  • 1.
    Becker, K., Stumme, G., Wille, R., Wille, U., Zickwolff, M.: Conceptual Information Systems Discussed Through an {IT}-Security Tool. In: Dieng, R. and Corby, O. (eds.) Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Methods, Models, and Tools. pp. 352–365. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung -- Methoden und Anwendungen. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).
  • 1.
    Hotho, A.: Analyse von {W}ettbewerbsverlusten im {T}elekommunikationsmarkt und mögliche {G}egenmaßnahmen. AIFB (2000).
  • 1.
    Bastide, Y., Pasquier, N., Taouil, R., Stumme, G., Lakhal, L.: Mining Minimal Non-Redundant Association Rules Using Frequent Closed Itemsets. In: Lloyd, J., Dahl, V., Furbach, U., Kerber, M., Laus, K.-K., Palamidessi, C., Pereira, L., Sagiv, Y., and Stuckey, P. (eds.) Computational Logic --- CL 2000 Proc. CL’00. Springer, Heidelberg (2000).


  • 1.
    Mineau, G., Stumme, G., Wille, R.: Conceptual Structures Represented by Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis. In: Tepfenhart, W. and Cyre, W. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Standards and Practices. Proc. ICCS ’99. pp. 423–441. Springer, Heidelberg (1999).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Acquiring Expert Knowledge for the Design of Conceptual Information Systems. In: Fensel, D. and Studer, R. (eds.) Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling, and Management. Proc. 11th European. pp. 275–290. Springer, Heidelberg (1999).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Conceptual Knowledge Discovery with Frequent Concept Lattices. TU Darmstadt (1999).
  • 1.
    Prediger, S., Stumme, G.: Theory-Driven Logical Scaling. In: et al, E.F. (ed.) Proc. 6th Intl. Workshop Knowledge Representation Meets Databases (KRDB’99) (1999).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Dual Retrieval in Conceptual Information Systems. In: Buchmann, A. (ed.) Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft. Proc. BTW’99. pp. 328–342. , Heidelberg (1999).
  • 1.
    Skorsky, M., Stumme, G., Wille, R., Wille, U.: Reuse in the Development Process of {TOSCANA} Systems. In: Puppe, F., Fensel, D., Kühler, J., Studer, R., and Wetter, T. (eds.) Proc. Workshop on Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory and Reuse, 5th German Conf. on. , Würzburg (1999).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Hierarchies of Conceptual Scales. In: Gaines, T.B., Kremer, R., and Musen, M. (eds.) Proc.Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management (KAW’99). pp. 78–95. Banff (1999).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Wolff, K.E.: Numerical Aspects in the Data Model of Conceptual Information Systems. In: Kambayashi, Y., Lee, D.K., Lim, E.-P., Mohania, M.K., and Masunaga, Y. (eds.) Advances in Database Technologies. Proc. Intl. Workshop on Data Warehousing and. pp. 117–128. Springer, Heidelberg (1999).


  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: On-Line Analytical Processing with Conceptual Information Systems. In: Tanaka, K. and Ghandeharizadeh, S. (eds.) Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. on Foundations of Data Organization (FODO’98). pp. 117–126 (1998).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Exploring Conceptual Similarities of Objects for Analyzing Inconsistencies in Relational Databases. In: Bing, L., Hsu, W., and Ke, W. (eds.) Proc.Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 5th Pacific Rim Intl. Conf. on Artificial. pp. 41–50. , Singapore (1998).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Wille, R., Wille, U.: Conceptual Knowledge Discovery in Databases Using Formal Concept Analysis Methods. In: Zytkow, J.M. and Quafofou, M. (eds.) Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Proc. 2nd European Symposium on PKDD’98. pp. 450–458. , Heidelberg (1998).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Distributive Concept Exploration - A Knowledge Acquisition Tool in Formal Concept Analysis. In: Herzog, O. and Günter, A. (eds.) KI-98: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Proc. 22. Jahrestagung. pp. 117–128. Springer, Heidelberg (1998).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Free Distributive Completions of Partial Complete Lattices. {In:} {O}rder. 14, 179–189 (1998).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Knowledge, {L}ogic, {I}nformation. {C}onference {R}eport. Zeitschrift für Semiotik. 20, 424 (1998).


  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Concept Exploration - A Tool for Creating and Exploring Conceptual Hierarchies. In: Lukose, D., Delugach, H., Keeler, M., Searle, L., and Sowa, J.F. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce’s Dream. Proc. ICCS’97. Springer, Berlin (1997).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Wolff, K.E.: Computing in Conceptual Data systems with relational structures. In: Proc. Intl. Symposium on Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency. pp. 206–219. , Vancouver, Canada (1997).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Concept Exploration -- Knowledge Acquisition in Knowledge Systems. Shaker, Aachen (1997).


  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Attribute Exploration with Background Implications and Exceptions. In: Bock, H.-H. and Polasek, W. (eds.) Data Analysis and Information Systems. Statistical and Conceptual approaches. Proc. GfKl’95. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization 7. pp. 457–469. Springer, Heidelberg (1996).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: The Concept Classification of a Terminology Extended by Conjunction and Disjunction. In: Foo, N. and Goebel, R. (eds.) PRICAI’96: Topics in Artificial Intelligence. Proc. PRICAI’96. pp. 121–131. Springer, Heidelberg (1996).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Exploration Tools in Formal Concept Analysis. In: Diday, E., Lechevallier, Y., and Opitz, O. (eds.) Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis. Proc. OSDA’95. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization 8. pp. 31–44. Springer, Heidelberg (1996).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Local Scaling in Conceptual Data Systems. In: Eklund, P.W., Ellis, G., and Mann, G. (eds.) Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Representation as Interlingua Proc. ICCS’96. pp. 308–320. Springer, Heidelberg (1996).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: International Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Processing. Conference Report. Zeitschrift für Semiotik. 18, 381 (1996).


  • 1.
    Stumme, G., Wille, R.: A Geometrical Heuristic for Drawing Concept Lattices. In: Tamassia, R. and Tollis, I. (eds.) Graph Drawing. pp. 452–459. Springer, Heidelberg (1995).
  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Knowledge acquisition by distributive concept exploration. In: Ellis, G., Levinson, R., Rich, W., and Sowa, J.F. (eds.) Conceptual structures: applications, implementation and theory. Springer--Verlag, Berlin--Heidelberg--New~York (1995).


  • 1.
    Stumme, G.: Boolesche {B}egriffe,, (1994).